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Mr. Jeevanandham who was a Christian from Church of South India (CSI) was residing in Kilpauk, Chennai. As a Christian and for convenience sake, he attended services at the residence of Bro. Devasagayam, which was a "True Jesus Church Place of Worship." He was taught the truth preached by True Jesus Church and was baptized in the year 1975. He then attended church services regularly at Ambattur Church.


Bro. Jeevanandham who was a Government Servant was later transferred by the Government Department to Thiruvothiyur. As a result of the transfer, he also moved his residence to Thiruvothiyur.


While he was there, an old man by the name of Sundaram who was from the Pentecostal Church invited our brother to join the church. Our brother replied that he was a member of True Jesus Church and that he will not go to other churches because only in True Jesus Church is there the truth and not in any other. This statement instigated Sundaram to anger and he commented that there is no other church that has the truth other than the Pentecostal church. However, our brother introduced him to Bro. Vedamanickam who was responsible for the ministry work. They met on few occasions and Bro. Vedamanickam explained to him on the truth. He was astonished and said, " I am 70 years old now. From young till now, I have heard many truths and have converted many to the Pentecostal faith. But I am not aware of this kind of truth in the Bible." He said," As I have now come to understand the mystery of the truth in the Bible, I want to get baptized in the True Jesus Church." He was baptized in the year 1981. It was during this time that they started services at Bro. Sundarams house but his children was not cooperative as they were receiving financial assistance from an American Missionary.As such, services were initially moved here and there at members house. They then decided to hold services at the terrace of Bro. Ezekiels house, which had no roof for six months. This was however very inconvenient during the rainy season. Ambattur Church then offered INR 25,000 for a roof at the terrace. For three years services was held there.


Many new members were baptized. The name of God was glorified. In the year 1985, the members desired to have a church building. They rented a land and Ambattur Church gave financial assistance and a church hut was constructed. Services were held there for another three years. After that the landowner wanted his land back. The church had to shift back to Bro. Ezekiels terrace for services.


In the year 1995, India Mission Committee (IMC) visited the church. They heard of the pride of the church. With funds from the church and financial assistance from IMC, a piece of lland was purchased. A church hed was constructed. Later with further assistance from IMC, a brick wall church building was constructed. The building was dedicated in the year 1997 by Eld. Chen Hern Tao. The church organization was set-up and a Deacon was ordained. The church continues to flourish. All glory and honor be to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

作者: 印度聖工小組
出版社: 棕樹文教基金會聖靈月刊雜誌社
出版日期: 09/01/2004