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1931年7月18日,Zaccheus S. Ponniah假馬來亞霹靂州-怡保被按立為真耶穌教團的執事。(他於1930年前來馬來亞工作。在他居留期間接受福音)。1932年,他將耶穌基督的福音帶回印度Madathupatti, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu南部的故鄉。藉著神的帶領和能力,在300英里內能成立六處教會。因為世界大戰爆發,所以他們與馬來亞就失去了聯繫。這群信徒之後有嘗試聯絡我們於中國大陸的教會,但卻因為印度中國邊界也爆發戰爭而聯絡失敗。這事之後,信徒就開始分散至Tamil Nadu與Kerala其他地區。他們將福音帶去他們所居留的新地方,以及在各區成立教會。他們的組織是:總部設立在Tamil Nadu州的Madathupatti、在Kerala州有Munnar和Vandiperiyar區。無論如何,因為缺乏真理的根基,他們有一些道理已經改變了。


On 18th July 1931,Zaccheus S. Ponniah was ordained as a Deacon in True Jesus Mission, Ipoh, in the Federal Malay State of Perak (He had actually come to Malaya around 1930 to work. During his period of stay he accepted the gospel). In 1932, he brought the Gospel of Jesus Christ back to his native in Madathupatti, Tirunelveli, south of Tamil Nadu state, India. With the guidance of God and the power of the Lord, six churches were established within 300 miles. Since then contact were lost and severed with Malaya because of the World War. Attempts were made later by this group of believers to contact our church in China but they were not successful in view of the border war between China and India. Members were later scattered to other parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. They brought the gospel to these new places that they settled in and churches were established in various estates. They were organized as such: the Headquarter was at Madathupatti in Tamil Nadu state and there were the region of Munnar and Vandiperiyar in Kerala state. However, due to lack of grounding in the truth, some of their teachings changed over the years.


Through the guidance of the Lord, True Jesus Mission whose contact were severed for over 60 years, were once again contacted. They were the lost sheep but of the same fold. First contact was made in the year 1997.In these 8 years IMC and IA DWM had made much contact and effort to teach/correct them in the truth. Some progress were made: they understand that they had come from the same fold; they have changed the name "Mission" to True Jesus Church and they want to return to the fold.


In view to this, IMC and IA DWM worked on these principles:

* 對於真耶穌教團工作上的基本方法為:很明確說明他們現在不是基督身體的一部份;不是屬於真耶穌教會(雖然有共同的根基)。這是因為他們目前與真耶穌教會沒有共同的信仰。

* The standard approach as far as for the work of TJM is; a very definite statement that they are now not a part of the body of Christ; a part of TJC (although in the past they were of the same root). This is due to the fact that at present they do not have the same common faith of the TJC.

* 他們歸回的基礎唯有依靠真理。歸回真教會是個人的決定,以及接受和實踐主耶穌基督向真耶穌教會啟示的真理。

* The basis for their return will be solely on the truth. The return to the fold is every individual decision and it is base on acceptance and practice of the truths as revealed by our Lord Jesus Christ to the True Jesus Church.

* 我們將會與每個人接觸,而不是全體會眾。個人接受真理後必須與母會(教團)分離。

* We will deal with individuals and not the congregation. The individuals should disassociate themselves from the mother church upon the acceptance of the truth.

* 歸回的程序需要時間。我們將計畫教導他們真理的工作。

* The process of return will take time. We will plan for the work of teaching the truth to them.


The work of teaching them the truth and returning to the fold met with many obstacles, hindrances, accusations, blasphemies, oppositions and threats. The Headquarters and the region of Munnar no longer could accept and have closed the doors on us. However, some leaders in the churches in the region of Vandiperiyar are still susceptible to us.


Many efforts have been spent in correcting them on the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Till date, there is still no breakthrough. They are still unable to come to a common understanding (they understand that after a person is baptized he has the infilling of the Holy Spirit; speaking in tongues is only a gift and not everyone need to speak in tongues), which is so essential.


Local Indian Preachers and Ministers were posted to TJM Vandiperiyar on a regular basis. The local ministers would remain in TJM for a month in a stretch. They would stay with the TJM members in the estates. With this, we are able to understand the TJM members better and are able to convey our message to them clearly.


We have also identified a few congregations among them who truly intend to return to the fold. We will be bringing their leaders to the Training Center in Ambattur to undergo an intensive program on the Articles of Faith. If they are able to understand and accept, we will proceed to conduct Spiritual Meetings in the local churches and proceed to re-baptize those who accept the truth. We will also ensure that they understand the implications of been baptized and their future relationship with those who are not baptized (disassociation).

作者: 印度聖工小組
出版社: 棕樹文教基金會聖靈月刊雜誌社
出版日期: 10/01/2004