真耶穌教會國際聯合總會於1984及1987年在新加坡教會各別舉辦短期神學訓練班及靈修會。來自巴瑪教會的J. Dominic Xavier弟兄被聯總前任總負責(即已故楊約翰長老)邀請來參加此課程。課程結束之後,Dominic弟兄被差派往巴瑪郊外的淡巴然傳福音。
In the year 1984 and 1987, the International Assembly of The True Jesus Church conducted the "Short-Term Bible Theological Training Course" and "Refreshers Course" respectively at Singapore. Bro. J. Dominic Xavier, who was from True Jesus Church Pammal, was invited to attend the courses by the late Elder John Yang who was the former IA chairman. After the training courses, Bro. Dominic was sent to preach the Gospel and the Doctrines of the True Jesus Church to the outskirt of Pammal, at the area Tambaram.
1991年,當時的東南亞宣道中心的負責人葉約拿執事和陳約翰執事到印度巡牧, 並在此次的訪問中同意設立淡巴然祈禱所。之後,東南亞宣道中心致函給J. Dom inic Xavier弟兄(副本給當時的印度聯絡處主席,MV Abraham執事)授權他在1991年5月11日在淡巴然成立祈禱所,他們每個月也津貼300盧比作為祈禱所的租借費用。
During the year 1991, South East Asia Evangelical Center (SEAEC) Chairman Dn. Jonah Yapp and Dn. John Chin visited India and during that visit they agreed to set up a Prayer House at Tambaram. After the visit, SEAEC sent a letter to Bro. J. Dominic Xavier (a copy of letter was c.c. to Co-ordination Board Chairman, Dn. MV. Abraham) stating that he has been authorized to set up a Prayer House at Tambaram without further delay on 11th May 1991 (Letter - Ref. No. SEAEC 1/15/4/111). They were also given the monthly subsidized of INR 300 for rental for the Prayer House.
With the rental (every month Rs. 350) this was the start of the Prayer House. From then on, there was constant correspondence with SEAEC. Reports and proposals were made for the growth of the Prayer House. However, from October 1995, SEAEC were no longer sending subsidized funds for the rental. The members decided that they would be self-finance in paying the rental. They understood that by doing this, they are actually storing up treasures in heaven (Mt. 6.19-20).
Bro. Dominic and his wife, Prema had also decided to sell their gold ornaments and offered up their savings to the Lord. With the money, they bought a land sized at 2,400 square feet (60 x 40 sq. ft) at Paduvancherry, near Tambaram.
Through prayers they constructed a small shed, which is about 12 x 22 feet and started to worship there. Sabbath services were conducted weekly. Many believers came for the services.
IMC began to contact the Prayer House in 1998. IA and IMC personnel made regular visits from the year 2001. In the year 2002, IMC Religious Education Unit (REU) visited the church and set up RE class for the children. At present 20 children are attending the RE class.
在侯恩源長老、馮約書亞執事以及張以斯拉傳道訪問此地之後,信徒人數蒙神祝福之下增加至45人。當教會在逐漸成長的過程中,聯總和印度聖工小組決定在2003年3月15日按立J. Dominic Xavier為真耶穌教會的執事。
After visit of Elder Ho En Yuan, Dn. Joshua Phoong and Pr. Ezra Chong, God blessed the church and baptized members were increased to 45. As the church prospers and progress, IA and IMC decided to ordain Bro. J. Dominic Xavier as Deacon of True Jesus Church on 15th March 2003.
教會座落於No.9,Anna Street,Paduvancherry,Chennai 600-073,會堂離淡巴然大約是10公里的路程,在距離2公里之外有一個大湖,在夏天時能降低當地的溫度。
Location of the church
True Jesus Church, No.9, Anna Street, Paduvancherry, Chennai 600-073.
The Church is located near (about 10kms away from) Tambaram. There is a very big lake about 2 km away, and it helps to bring down the temperature during summer.
神蹟 Miracle
1.我們購買了一塊2,700平方呎的地,現今所擁有的地皮面積為5,100平方呎。 2.我們在會堂前方建造門、牆,並用網子將四周圍起來。 3.有位貞妮芬姐妹在產下第二胎後就患病,她的頭和頸常常不聽使喚的搖動,教會的信徒在安息日為此事禁食禱告,她的病當天就蒙神醫治。 4.在一次聚會中,有位女人從外面走進會堂並倒在地上翻滾,信徒們齊心禱告,魔鬼就被趕出,她因此得著自由。 5.有一名叫大衛的弟兄患病,時常吐血並且不能進食,當教會為他代禱後,他的病就得醫治。
Through prayers, God performed some miracles in the year 2002.
1.In the year 2002 we were able to purchase one more land for church use. The area of land is 2700 square feet. At present we have a total land area of 5100 square feet. 2.We are able to construct the compound wall and gate in front of the church and to make net fencing around the church. 3.One of our church members by the name of Jennifer was sick after the birth of her second child. Her head and neck was not stable for one month (always shaking). The church believers prayed and fasted during the Sabbath service and that same day, God healed her. 4.While we were praying during the church service, one lady from outside ran from her house and entered into the church falling down and rolling on the ground. The church prayed and the demons were casts out. She was set free from the devil. 5.One of our members by the name of Bro. David had fall sick and always vomiting blood. He was unable to eat. After the church prayed for him, he stopped vomiting blood and his sickness was healed.
作者: 印度聖工小組 出版社: 棕樹文教基金會聖靈月刊雜誌社 出版日期: 06/01/2004
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