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Items related to "Why can't I just believe in God" why do I have to belong to a church?", 161 total items found

I Will Give Thanks to the Lord with My Whole Heart        
I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all your marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High. —Psalm 9:1-2

Come unto Me... I Will Give You Rest        
We are often entangled in a complex web of relationships and pressured with many expectations. But Jesus shows us a better way by calling us into His rest.

Lord, This One Soul I Won for You        

I Witnessed the Lord's Blood        
Wen-Yu Chang works at the Ma-Dou Elementary School in Taiwan. He had heard rumors that in the True Jesus Church, occurrences of water turning into blood during baptism were actually staged events. Wen-Yu

Can I Influence My Children?        

I Received the Holy Spirit        
Would you like to be filled constantly with the Holy Spirit and God's love and grace? Let a sister share her experience with you.

How should I be baptized?        

"I Will Go One More Time"        
She thought she was just meeting a new friend, but she didn’t realize that God had a better plan in store for her…

I Will Seek Out the Lost        
A sister was estranged from God by marrying an unbelieving husband. But her return to church marked a new beginning for her and her two sons.

I Came from Another Fold        
Through seemingly fortuitous turn of events, Irene came to the True Jesus Church after understanding the truths of the Bible.

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