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In the Workplace, 25 total items found
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Six Habits of Really Effective Christians (Parts 5 & 6)        
The road to being highly successful goes beyond a good title and a high salary. It's being able to look yourself in the face every morning and see a child of God looking back. If you can commit first to shining the light for Christ wherever you are and in

Six Habits of Really Effective Christians (Part 4)        
We need God's power, guidance, and strength throughout our lives—not just for the 13,000 hours of our adult lives that we'll spend in church but also for the 100,000 hours we'll spend at work. Find out how prayer can help you be effective at work, and rea

Thoughts on Ecclesiastes        
There are underachievers and there are overachievers, but we should prayerfully reflect, "Are we right achievers or wrong achievers?"

A difficult career choice became a cause for giving thanks to God.

Work: a Blessing or a Curse?        
Your job doesn’t have to be at odds with leading a healthy life—whether physical or spiritual.

A Perfect Job in Hard Times        
God will provide, for He knows all our needs.

Six Habits of Really Effective Christians (Part 2)        
The moment you start doing work that involves dealing with other people, you'll have many opportunities to start making enemies. But how do we as Christians turn these situations around?

Becoming One's Own Boss: A Christian's Journey        
This path comes with both challenges and blessings

Managing Career, Family, and Faith: A Christian's Challenge        
Is it possible to be a good Christian and have a successful career?

Work Addiction        
Society's emphasis on material weath and achievement often leaves little room for an active faith. What we can do to ensure work does not take over our life--especially our spiritual life.

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