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Love %26amp%3B Marriage, 29 total items found
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Interfaith Relationships: Overcoming Common Misconceptions        
Considering a mate of another faith? Married to someone of a different conviction? Some guidelines for singles and the romantically involved

Marrying in the Lord        
I'm ready for marriage. What's next? Why shouldn't I marry an unbeliever? What if I can't find anyone in church?

My First Year's Journey        
What is the initial experience of marriage like? Is it happily ever after from the moment you say, "I do"?

Nakedness without Shame        
Physical intimacy between husband and wife is a profound mystery created by God. The exclusive bond of marriage allows two spouses to bare everything to each other not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually.

Personal Reflections On Singlehood        
Many of us hold onto ideals about meeting someone, being proposed to, and getting married with prince/princess charming. But what if we’ve waited a long time and he/she doesn’t show up?

The Big Decision        
How do I know he/she is the one? What about relying on signs? Making the big decision is one of the hardest processes in our lives. Here are some practical advices for us to consider.</

The Path to a Happy Christian Marriage        
What are the ingredients of maintaining a happy Christian marriage? How do we resolve our differences, and how do we communicate with one another?

Walking Together        
Success in marriage is more than just finding the right person. Being the right person is even more important.

Why We Marry        
What is the purpose of God's will in your marriage? Does your spouse help you grow spiritually?

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