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Testimonies, 169 total items found
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I Witnessed the Lord's Blood        
Wen-Yu Chang works at the Ma-Dou Elementary School in Taiwan. He had heard rumors that in the True Jesus Church, occurrences of water turning into blood during baptism were actually staged events. Wen-Yu

Beautiful Steps        
In her battle with lung cancer, Wendy's aunt suffered physically and spiritually. A moving account of how she found the strength to accept God's will and inspired her loved ones.

God Is Our Refuge        
As Elaine and a few sisters stood on a sandbar far out from the shore, a massive wave came and swept them into the sea.

Earthquake of the Century        
Amidst the devastation and loss suffered in the largest earthquake to hit Taiwan, members of God's household witness the mercy and grace of God.

Finding God        
In your journey to discover the meaning of life, has it led you to come and know the Lord Jesus Christ? Has He answered you with His Holy Spirit? A sister testifies how God has guided her into His presence.

He Sang With Us!        
God's appearance, whether literal or figurative, never ceases to fascinate His people. A sister relates how her vision of God reaffirms His presence in our lives.

One More Bite        
Have you ever experienced what it’s like to not be able to eat or enjoy your food? Just imagine if this applies to your spirituality. What if, one day, you can no longer drink or eat God’s words?

I Came from Another Fold        
Through seemingly fortuitous turn of events, Irene came to the True Jesus Church after understanding the truths of the Bible.

The City of God        
Henry Gyebi's father fasted forty days in his search for the true church. During his prayer, God revealed to him a city of gold shining on a mountaintop. Read how his vision was realized.

In Hopelessness I met God        
Consumed by drugs and alcohol, Jason no longer felt that he had any hope in his future. Despising himself and his habits, he reached out to God for help. And God answered his cry for help in a most unusual way.

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