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搜尋"evangelism", 總共15筆資料
排序:  預設  標題  作者  日期

Growing as a Family in Evangelism     Alvin and Sabrina Leung        

Evangelism During The Covid-19 Pandemic And Lockdown     Philip Shee        
How to continue our commission to preach when we are chained by circumstances.

Evangelism: Q&A: Be a Lover of Souls     RED Team        
id="docs-internal-guid-6905565e-7fff-c4da-6a13-5f7b8dca5266" style="font-size: 10pt; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; vertical-align: baseline; white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: calibri, sans-serif; color: #5a5a5a;">Answering members’ concerns on how to practice

Evangelism in the Age of Connectivity     Lucas Wong        
How to support the True Jesus Church internet ministry.

Building A Strong Evangelism Team     Derren Liang        
Who should be in the team, and how should they carry out the work?

IA: Utilizing the Internet to Spread the Everlasting Gospel     Shawn Chou        
Unlocking the potential of a strong internet ministry in world evangelism.

The True Jesus Church General Assembly in Taiwan: An Introduction     Taiwan General Assembly        
Charity as a platform for evangelism.

Impressions of Zambia: An Apostolic Journey     Andy Wang        
Experiencing the Holy Spirit’s power in evangelism.

The Church and Evangelism        
What's your temperature on the evangelistic thermometer?

Literature Evangelism        

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