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Items related to "The Bible states that our sins are washed away by the blood of Christ (Revelation 1:5). How can the water during baptism actually remove a person's sins?", 127 total items found

Don't good works show that a person is already saved? If sacraments are required for salvation, then how do you explain the good works of Christians who have never received the sacraments?        

How do we know hell is real and not just something that people made up to make kids behave?        

The apostle Paul stresses that Abraham was justified before circumcision, not after (Romans 4:10-12). Circumcision was only a sign of the righteousness he had already received by faith. Aren't sacraments likewise only signs, with no effect?        

How do we know that the universe didn't always exist?        

Transubstantiation teaches that after giving thanks, the bread and grape wine transform materially into the physical body and blood of the Lord Jesus. Consubstantiation teaches that the physical body and blood coexist with the bread and the grape wine. Wh        

I believe in God, and have confessed my sins, but do I NEED to be baptized to be saved? Can't I just become a member of the church?        

Since there is no scientific evidence for heaven, how do we know it's real, and not just wishful thinking and human invention?        

Why does it matter how a person is baptized? And if I've already been baptized in another church, must I be baptized again?        

Salvation is by grace through faith, not by works (Ephesians 2:8,9). Aren't sacraments of works, not of faith?        

Are we saved by these two dimensions of grace (as mentioned in "What are the two dimensions of salvation?")?        

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