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35: The King Betrayed and Tried (1) (Mt 26:1-35)

35: The King Betrayed and Tried (1) (Mt 26:1-35)

I.       The Basics

A.     Setting

The Lord Jesus was now only a few days from His crucifixion. He chose to spend His remaining time with His disciples in seclusion. Everything would take place according to the Lord’s prediction. He was anointed in preparation for His burial; He ate the Passover meal with the disciples; He was betrayed by His own. As you read this passage, picture yourself to be with Jesus in these last hours and feel the deep emotions that permeate the story.

B.     Key Verse

            “For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (26:28).

C.     Did You Know…?

1.       Passover (26:2): The Passover began Thursday afternoon with the slaughter of the lamb. 6/523 The Jewish festival commemorating the time when the angel of the Lord passed over the homes of the Hebrews rather than killing their firstborn sons as he did in the Egyptian homes (see Ex 12:13,23,27). The lambs or kids used in the feast were killed on the 14th of Nisan (March-April), and the meal was eaten the same evening between sundown and midnight. Since the Jewish day began at sundown, the Passover Feast took place on the 15th Nisan. 8/1519

2.       Caiaphas (26:3): High priest A.D. 18-36 and the son-in-law of Annas (Jn 18:13), a former high priest, who served 6-15. 8/1481

3.       Thirty silver coins (26:15) were the redemption price paid for a slave (Ex 21:32). This same amount was also prophesied as the price for the services of the rejected Shepherd (Zech. 11:12). The exact value of the agreed price cannot be determined because the coinage was not identified. 12/82

4.       Feast of the Unleavened Bread (26:17): Most Bible students believe that the events recorded in Matt 26:17-30 took place on Thursday of Passion Week. This was the first day of the seven-day Feast of the Unleavened Bread. On that first day Passover lambs were sacrificed (Mark 14:12). The Feast of Unleavened Bread followed immediately after the Passover; the entire eight-day event was sometimes called the Passover Week…. 12/82

5.       Hymn (26:30): The hymn normally sung was the last part of the Hallel (pss 114-118 or 115-18). It was sung antiphonally: Jesus as the leader would sing the lines, and His followers would respond with “Hallelujah!” 6/539

II.    Observation

A.     Outline








B.     Key Words/Phrases

III. General Analysis

1. In what ways did Jesus show Himself to be the sovereign Lord who voluntarily gave Himself as a sacrifice rather than a helpless victim of the circumstances?

IV.  Segment Analysis

A.     26:1-5

1. Why is it significant that the Lord was crucified during Passover?

2. Why did the writer put the plot of the chief priests, scribes, and elders immediately after the Lord’s prediction?

B.     26:6-13

3a. Why were the disciples indignant?

3b. What do the words, “why this waste” tell us about the disciples?

3c. Do you sometimes feel “indignant” about others’ offering or service to God?

4. Compare the woman and the disciples in this story.

5. According to the Lord Himself, why was the woman’s action a good work (or a beautiful thing)?

6. What can we learn from Jesus’ commendation and promise in 13?

C.     26:14-16

7. Could there be any connection between Judas’ action and the disciples’ reaction in 8-9?

8a. How was Judas the very opposite of the woman who poured out oil on Jesus?

8b. How do we sometimes, like Judas, also “betray” Jesus?

D.     26:20-25

9a. Why do you think the Lord revealed that one of the disciples was about to betray Him?

9b. Why didn’t Jesus just point out directly that Judas was the betrayer?

10. Why should Judas be condemned if the betrayal was already prophesied in the Scriptures (24)?

E.     26:26-30

11a. Was the Communion only symbolic of Christ’s body and blood? Explain your answer.

11b. What is the new covenant in 28? What does it have to do with the Lord’s blood?

12. What should we commemorate when we partake of the Communion today?

F.      26:31-35

13a. What can we know about Peter from his words?

13b. Have you ever made a sincere promise which you failed to keep? Why did you make the promise? Why did you fail?

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