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36: The King Betrayed and Tried (2) (Mt 26:36-75)

36: The King Betrayed and Tried (2) (Mt 26:36-75)

I.       The Basics

A.     Setting

The hour of darkness had come. The Lord Jesus was betrayed into the hands of wicked men to be tried and sentenced to death. The sinless Son of God stood in trial before sinners. What bitter irony! But He gave Himself willingly because of love. In His final moment before the arrest, He prayed alone in the garden, being in extreme sorrow. But He did not shrink back in fear. He overcame and left the garden to meet His captors.

B.     Key Verse

            “Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels? How then could the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must happen thus?” (26:53-54).

C.     Did You Know…?

1.       Gethsemane (26:36): …means “an oil press.” In a field covered with olive trees, oil presses were used to extract oil from the fruit. An olive grove was in that place (John 18:1). 12/83 A garden, east of Jerusalem beyond the Kidron valley and near the Mount of Olives…. 7/465

2.       Legions (26:53): A Roman legion numbered about 6,000 soldiers. Such angelic protection (of about 72,000 angels!) could easily have defended Jesus from any opposition. 12/85

3.       “Your speech betrays you” (26:73): Peter had a decidedly Galilean accent that was conspicuous in Jerusalem. 8/1483

II.    Observation

A.     Outline





B.     Key Words/Phrases

III. General Analysis

1. Record your observation on how Jesus was most lonely during these painful hours.

IV.  Segment Analysis

A.     26:36-47

1a. Compare the Lord Jesus and the disciples (You need to look at the whole passage, starting with 31).

1b. Observe the Lord Jesus before, during, and after the prayer and record your observation. What change took place in Him?

2a. If the prayer in Gethsemane was a decisive struggle, what was the Lord struggling with and how did He overcome? 

2b. What can we learn from the Lord’s prayer in our prayers to God?

3a. What did the Lord expect from the disciples? Why?

3b. Why do you think the disciples could not do what the Lord asked?

4a. What does it mean to “watch and pray” (41)?

4b. How does watchful prayer guard us against temptation?

4c. Why did the Lord add the words to His command “the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak?”

5. Have you ever had the experience of prayer in Gethsemane? Describe the experience and its effect.

B.     26:48-56

6. The chief priests and elders sent a great multitude with swords and clubs to look for and arrest Jesus (47,55). What does this tell us about these religious leaders and about the multitudes?

7. Have you ever been “betrayed with a kiss”? 

8. How do we sometimes feel compelled to defend a good cause with a “sword” the way the Lord’s follower did? Why is this wrong?

9. How did the Lord’s words in 53-54 show His greatness?

C.     26:57-68

10. Have you ever followed the Lord “at a distance” the way Peter did? What made you do that?

11a. How was Jesus’ trial grossly unfair and how did it show the hypocrisy of the religious leaders?

11b. How did these leaders show their bitter hatred towards Jesus?

12a. What can we learn from Jesus’ silence?

12b. How do the suffering and humiliations Jesus endured serve as encouragement for you in your sufferings?

D.     26:69-75

13a. Have you ever been compelled by adverse situation to deny your faith?

13b. did Peter weep bitterly? If you were Peter, how would you have felt?

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