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Lesson 37

Lesson 37

I.       Observation

A.     Outline

Delivering to Pontius Pilate (27:1-2)

Judas’ Remorse and Death (27:3-10)

Questioning by Pilate (27:11-14)

Release of Barabbas and Condemnation of Jesus (27:15-26)

The Soldiers’ Mocking (27:27-31)

The Crucifixion and Insults (27:32-44)

Death and Miraculous Signs (27:45-56)

Burial by Joseph of Arimathea (27:57-61)

Council with Pilate to Secure the Tomb (27:62-66)

B.     Key Words/Phrases

Plotted, delivered, innocent, blood, potter’s field, King of the Jews, Christ, mocked, Son of God, forsaken, yielded up His spirit.

II.    General Analysis

1. They plotted against Him and delivered Him to Pilate (1,2). They accused Him (12). They persuaded the multitudes (20).

2. He was falsely accused (12). He was scourged (26). He was forced to wear a crown of thorns, mocked, spat on, and struck (27-31). He was crucified (35). He was ridiculed and reviled (39-44). He was hung on the cross for hours (45). He was forsaken (46).

III. Segment Analysis

1a. Although he received the money he lusted for, he came to his conscience and was seized with remorse. He went to the chief priests and elders whom he had helped, but they did not want to have anything to do with him. He died in despair and loneliness.

1b. Sin looks appealing before we commit it. But after offering us temporary enjoyment, it betrays us and leaves us empty and hurt.

2. The chief priests and elders had accused Jesus of proclaiming Himself a king (Lk 23:2). Under the Roman law, such claim was a crime deserving death.

3a. 1) His conscience (24). 2) Either listening to the people’s demands or expecting an uprising. 3) The warning from his wife (19).

The multitude’s demand finally won, although Pilate made sure to declare his innocence.

4. The multitude had condemned themselves by declaring their own guilt (25).

5. We are freed from our death sentence because Christ has died in our place.

6. People who are usually under others’ command are often tempted to bully those who are weaker than them. The soldiers, thinking that Jesus was at their mercy and powerless to defend Himself, went all out in their mocking and abuse.

7. He did not have soldiers to fight for Him. He was greatly humiliated. Although He had the power to retaliate, He did not even utter any threat. This King, unlike all others, chose to suffer and lay down His life for His people.

8a. 1) Those who passed by (39). 2) Chief priests, scribes, and elders (41). 3) The robbers who were crucified with Him (44).

8b. The challenge that Satan tempted Jesus with (“if you are the son of God”) now surfaced again in a different form. Satan’s temptation had failed the first time. This time, the chief priests, scribes, and elders seemed to act as Satan’s agent, insulting the Son of God and challenging Him to come down from the cross. Satan probably thought that He had won the final victory.

8c. The people would never have expected that their king would die such a cruel death. They thought that when the Messiah comes, He would fight for them and deliver them from their oppressors. Because of their disappointment in Jesus, whom they once thought was the Messiah, they despised and insulted Him.

9. Those who have tasted the grace of God but choose to turn away from the truth are actually crucifying the Lord once again and putting Him to open shame (Heb 6:6). Their act would be comparable to those who hurled insults at Jesus because they despise the salvation of the Lord.

10a. There was darkness over all the land (45). The veil of the temple was torn in two (51a). The earth quaked, the rock split, and the graves were opened. Many saints were raised (51b,52).

10b. The darkness probably represented God’s rejection (cf 46). The tearing of the veil in the temple from top to bottom is symbolic of the reconciliation between God and men. Because of Christ’s atonement, we can now come to God directly without the mediation of priests (Heb 4:16; 6:19). The rising of the saints was evidence that Christ, the firstfruits of resurrection, had conquered death and released believers from its bondage (1Cor 15:20-22).

11a. Instead of calling God “my Father,” He now called Him, “my God.” It is possible that He did so because since He was our sins, He could not assume the role of the beloved Son but must suffer God’s rejection in the same way a sinner would.

11b. God has put on Him the iniquity of us all (Isa 53:4-6, 10, 12).

12. He was buried with the rich. See Isa 53:9.

13. Unlike the multitudes, they did not despise the Lord. Although they may not have understood the Lord’s prediction about His resurrection, they lingered below the cross and at the tomb. Just as they had faithfully ministered to the Lord’s needs during His preaching (55), they now attended to His death and burial.

14a. They were afraid that the people would believe the disciples and become their followers. Once again, their popularity was at stake. They were always more concerned about themselves than for the truth.

14b. Whether the guards were temple guards or Roman soldiers, it would have been impossible for the timid disciples to go through these armed men, roll away the stone that had been sealed, and steal the Lord’s body.  The Pharisee’s precaution would later turn out to be an indisputable proof that the Lord had resurrected.

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