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 (Manna 33: One Faith)
The City of God

My Father's Faith

In the name of Jesus Christ I testify to the glory of God. I was born on January 20, 1975 in Kpando Dzoanti, one of the cities in Ghana where there is a True Jesus Church. My late beloved father, S.O. Larbi, was formerly a Presbyterian catechist, and he became a member of the True Jesus Church in 1988. Before that time, my father fasted and prayed for forty days and nights, asking God to show him the true church. In one of these prayers, God revealed the true church to him: he saw a big city made of sparkling gold, and it was situated at the top of a tall mountain. It came from the East, drawing closer and closer to him in the way the sun would rise. At the entrance of the city was a large gate guarded by angels, and at the top of the gate was written "True Jesus Church." Behind him, a voice said: "This is the true church that can save mankind."

Later, a member of the True Jesus Church invited my father to one of the church's evangelical services. After the service, my father asked what the name of the church was, and the member answered, "True Jesus Church."

What was most surprising to him was that the preachers used the Bible to answer every question he asked. After my father went home, he didn't sleep the whole night because he was comparing the teachings of the Bible to the answers that the preacher had given to his questions. He saw that every answer was from the Bible. At that moment, he began to recollect his vision when he had fasted for forty days.

One Sunday soon after, he went to his Presbyterian church as usual. He stood at the front with some publications of the True Jesus Church, and he told the whole congregation that he had found the true church. He said that he was leaving the Presbyterian church, and that whoever wanted to be saved should also go to the True Jesus Church. At that time I was the drummer in the Presbyterian church, and he said to me in front the congregation, "Starting today, you are no longer going to the Presbyterian church to play their drums. If you want to be saved, you should follow me to the true church." I was very young then, and I obeyed my father's instructions and followed him.

He then offered himself to the ministry, and in 1990 he went home to his father in Abiriw and preached the true gospel of salvation to him. When he reached home, his younger brother was seriously sick and at the point of death. Two pastors from the True Jesus Church came to fast and pray for him, and today, his younger brother is recovered and stronger in the faith than before.

My Own Faith

Through many miraculous signs and wonders, God has really proved to me that I can be saved only in the True Jesus Church. I saw with my own eyes how brothers and sisters had been dead for many hours, but after prayer, they came back to life. God has chosen the True Jesus Church as His dwelling place and where He has put his name, to save anyone who comes to believe in Him.

One day, I heard a sermon on the final resurrection. I doubted that it was possible for someone who had died and rotted and turned to dust to come back to life after so many years. So in our last prayer that night, I prayed to God to help me understand if this message was really true.

That night, I dreamed that we were all standing together in the church praying. Suddenly a very heavy storm began to blow, and all the louvers came off the windows, but no one was injured. At the same time, there was a very intense earthquake, and every living thing, including all of us, fell dead on the ground for several hours.

I was the first person to rise up and I saw everybody else on the floor dead. Then a voice behind me said, "Go and get a Bible from one of the benches." As I moved and walked, I felt very light, like paper. Eventually everyone in the dream resurrected, including my aunt, who is a member of the True Jesus Church in Abiriw. She woke up and reached out for a Bible and handed it to me. I turned to the book of Psalms, and the dream was over.

That night I couldn't go back to sleep, and the next morning I told the preacher everything. This dream helped to strengthen my faith in the truth of the final resurrection. It also proved to me that God is in the True Jesus Church, and He is always present to speak to us.

In the True Jesus Church, we are one family in Christ Jesus. I would like to say a big thank you to all the brothers and sisters in the Ghana church and abroad for their loving care. Through their love and by God's grace, I had the opportunity to go to school. I pray that God will give them the ability to help others as well. The future of every home, family, and nation depends on the youth. The church needs to train its youth to become future leaders as well, just as Moses trained Joshua to succeed him.

We hope that the True Jesus Church will continue to provide the materials and support to build up the faith of the young children, so that the church may have a good future. May God richly bless everyone in abundance and every work of the church. Amen.

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Publisher: True Jesus Church