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Song of Songs


I.       Overview

A.     1.1-1.4


B.     1.5       - 2.7    

The Saints and God.

C.     2.8 - 2. 16       

Word became flesh.

D.     2.17    

Lord's death.

E.     3.1-3.5

Disciples do not believe in the resurrection of the Lord.

F.      3.6 - 3.11        

Descend of the Holy Spirit.

G.     4.1 - 4.5          

Growth of the Church.

H.    4.6      

Resolve of the Church to suffer for the Lord.

I.       4.7 - 4.16        

Lord is moved and praises to the church.

J.      5.1      

Rewards received by the apostolic church.

K.    5.2 - 5.16        

Holy Spirit stopped descending for a period of time, cannot find the Lord.

L.     6.1 - 6.3          

Holy Spirit descends again.

M.   6.4 - 6.10        

Perfect church.

N.     6.11    

The last examination of the Lord towards the church.

O.    6.12 - 13         

Invitation of the angel and reply of the Lord.

P.      7.1 - 7.5          

Praises of the angel towards the well prepared church.

Q.    7.6 - 7.13        

Intimate relationship of the Lord and the church.

R.     8.1 - 8.4          

The last tribulation.

S.      8.5      

Lord's help towards the church.

T.     8.6 - 8.7                      

O Lord! Please remember.

U.     8.8 - 10           

After the number of gentiles is filled, Israelite received Salvation.

V.     8.11 - 12         

Church's account towards God (Receive 5,000, give 10,000).

W.   8.13 - 14         

Conclusion (Rev 22: 20 -21)



1.        Author:

Solomon.  The only surviving poem amongst his 1,005 compositions (1 Kgs 4:32-33).

2.        Name of the Book :

"Song of Songs" (1:1). The most outstanding of Solomon's compositions. "Song of Solomon" means "Song of Songs".

3.        Contents :

The love between a young shepherd and a simple village girl is used to illustrate the love between Solomon and a young Shulammite girl (6:13). The main theme is sung by a couple, and a group of maidens sing the chorus of the poem.

4.        Spiritual Meaning :

"Song of Solomon" is a holy book, proven by the fact that it is included in the Bible. The groom (shepherd, Solomon, beloved, King) represents Christ, the bride (village girl, Shulammite girl, best match, prince's daughter) represents the church or the individual believers. It clearly demonstrates the relationship between Christ and the church which is like the relationship between husband and wife (Eph 5:22-32). Therefore, the church or the individual believers should have a pure and simple devotion to Christ (2 Cor 11:2-3), and to prepare themselves to receive the 2nd coming of Christ (Rev 19:7-9, 22:2-9).

There are 3 verses in this book which believers can use to assess the level of their spirituality: "My beloved is mine, and I am His" (2:16); "I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine" (6:3); "I am my beloved's and his desires is for me" (7:10). The last verse show that the husband and wife is of one body; with the husband as the head and the wife as the body. There is no room for another person in his/her thoughts and total devotion of oneself is given to the beloved.

The bride left her beloved twice, but finally they were reconciled. This shows that love that has experienced trials will be perfected. In other words, love that can stand with trials is true and everlasting.

The climax in this book is, "For love is as strong as death, jealousy is as severe as Sheol, its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the Lord. Many waters cannot quench love, nor will rivers overflow it. If a man were to give all the riches of his house for love, it would be utterly despised" (8:6-7).

The last verse in this book, "Hurry, my beloved, and be like a gazelle or a young stag on the mountains of spices" (8:14) and the last verse in the book of Revelation, "Come, Lord Jesus" correspond with each other. Some say this is the book of Revelation in the Old Testament, having a deep and profound meaning. It is a good book that encourages the true church and the believers in the last days.

The following church hymns are based on the theme of this book - No. 137, 235, 241, 242, 243, etc. There are many others bearing relationship to this book. It should thus not be regarded as a "restricted" book (according to the Jews, those who are below 30 years old are not allowed to read it). Instead, we should all the more study it and build a strong and everlasting love with the Lord, but one must study it with a pure heart. This book also teaches the kind of love a husband and wife should have for each other because love is the foundation of a blessed family. 

5.        Outline

 a.      1st Section (1:1, 2:7) :

The mutual love between the groom and the bride.

 b.      2nd Section  (2:8 - 3:11):

 Love lost and reconciled.

 c.      3rd Section (4:1 - 5:1) :

Sweetness of friendship.

 d.      4th Section (5:2 - 6:1) :

Love lost again.

 e.      5th Section (6:2 - 8:7) :

Love reubified.

 f.       6th Section (8:8-14) :

Strength of Love. 


1.        Mutual Love Between The Groom And The Bride (1:1-2:7).




The bride sings (to the groom)


"Kissing" is the most intimate manifestation.  "Wine" is an analogy of the joy of the world.  Believers would rather have the Lord, than the world.


"Anointing oils" an analogy of the Holy Spirit. God's name is above every name (Phil 2:9-11).  (Ref. Hymn 235).

"Maidens" are the companions of the bride,  analogy the  believers (Matt 25:1-14).


"Draw me", (Ref. Hos 11:4). (Ref. Hymn 243). "We", "They", refers to the accompanying virgins (ref. Ps 45:13-15).  This also means that because of one who believes in God, he/she will lead his/her relatives and friends to the Lord.


The bride sings (to the daughters).


"The tents of Kedar", Kedar is a tribe in the north of Arabia (Gen 25:13). Its tent is made from the black fur of the mountain goat, depicting black in colour. "Curtains of Solomon" describs the comely.


"My mother's sons" an analogy of the relatives and friends who hindering believers in getting close to God. She was so busy tendering her brothers' vineyard, that even her own small vineyard she had not kept, what is more she could not draw near the groom.


The bride sings (to the groom).


Showing thoughts of her beloved.


The daughters sing.


The groom sings (to the bride).


"Mare". The original text is mare (Japenese translation). The horses in the Pharoah's chariots are originally of the male gender. In order to describe the beauty of the bride, it is changed to mare.


The bride sings (to the groom).


"King" refers to the groom.  He is referred to as a groom in a wedding. "Pure Nard" represents love (Jn 12:3).


"A bag of myrrh, that lies between my breasts", myrrh is a spice and a pain-killer.  Hebrew women often carried a pouch of myrrh in between their breasts to keep poisonous gas away and to revitalise themselves.


"Engedi", was a green pasture in the west of the Dead Sea, famous for its vineyard.


The groom sings (to the bride).


The groom praises the bride's beauty, as in the saying -Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. “Eyes of doves", refers to submissiveness, purity and beauty.  The eyes are windows to the soul, having an insight to a man's heart.


The bride sings (to the groom).


"Houses" was plural in the original text. Viewing nature as houses, far better than a palace. (Hymn 241).


The bride sings (to the groom).


The groom introduces himself. "Sharon", meaning a plain. It is the plain between Carmel and Joppa. In the early spring, it was said that this plain was presented as a scenic garden in Palestine. "Rose of Sharon" means an ordinary wild flower. "Lily of the valley" has a similar meaning. Some say that the lily is a kind of red wild flower (Matt 6:28-29). "Valley", means not in the high mountains, and it is easily reached, referring to Christ being approachable. Especially, it was comforting for those who had gone through the valley of the shadow of death (Ps 23:4), and through the valley of Baca (Ps 84:6).


"Lily among thorns", describes the thriving nature of lilies in an adversed environment (Judg 9:14-15). (Ref. Hymn 203). Both the groom and the bride are lilies. Truly a compatible pair, representing the believers should have the image of Christ (Col 3:10; Gal 3:27). (Ref. Hymn 244).


The bride sings (to the groom).


"Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest", means above all men (5:10).


"Banquet hall", the direct translation in the original text was "home of the grape wine". Grape wine and vineyard are references of lovers' haunt and private rooms. "His banner over me is love", uses love as a banner, meaning cover me. (Ref. Hymn 123, vs 2). 2:5 “Raisin cakes", similar to grape cakes (Hos 3:1).


The bride sings (to the virgins).


Gazelles and hinds are lovable animals, all signifying messenger of love. "Do not be awaken ....” means love cannot be forced upon, should leave it to take its natural course. Lord loves us out of his own accord, we should also love God joyfully and willingly.

2.        Love Lost And Reconciled (2:8-3:11)


The bride sings (introspection).


For some unknown reasons, the bride and the groom drift apart. The groom climbs the mountains and leaps on the hills in search of his bride. The journey is rough and uneven, demonstrating the groom's determination to suffer hardship in order to find his bride. "Gazelle and young stag" means lovable and agile. The bride ignored and deserted the groom at the door, indicate her coldness (Ref. Hymn 242).


The groom counseled with kind words, informing her coming of spring.  "Turtledoves"

Turtledoves are a kind of bird which keeps the time of their coming (Jer 8:7). The voices of turtledoves can be heard when spring is approaching.


Doves having the meaning of loving people. Doves build their nests in the clefts of the rock, and in the covert of the cliff. When they are disturbed, they will hide inside and would not dare to show themselves. The groom longs to see the face and hears the voice of the bride. Her voice is gentle and melodious, pointing out that believers should also be likewise (Col 4:6, 2 Tim 2:24-25). Christ is also gentle and approachable (Matt 2:9, 21:5). (Ref. Hymn 235).


Foxes can also translate as "wild dogs" (Lam 5:18). They are destructive to vineyard because there are many foxes in Palestine (Judg 15:4), that like to eat grape, ruining the vineyard. It is an analogy of the devil. This illustrates the hindrance to the relationship between the groom and the bride. This paragraph represents the dissension of the latter rain of the Holy Spirit and the fullness of the Spirit's grace.

2:16 -17

The bride begins to think of the groom. "My beloved is mine, and I am his", tells us that the self-centered of the bride is still deep. "Until the day breathes, and the shadows flee", is sunset. "Mountains of Bethel", or translated as "the treacherous mountains", or the "two hillock" describes the breasts of women. Analogy of the coming of sins in darkness, asking God to hasten and save. (Ref. Hymn 239, 245).


"Night", it is plural in the original text, it indicates every night. The groom has gone far, but the bride remains in bed, where can she find the groom?


"The watchmen" is one who guards the security of the people.


Love reconciled.


The bride sings (to the daughters). 3:5 Refer to 2:7.


Everyone sings.

3:6 -11


Wilderness is a comparison between the plains of the city and the fields.  This is the scene at Solomon's wedding, depicting the wedding scenario in the future. "Columns of smoke", is the smoke of frankincense. "Sixty mighty men", means many mighty men.  It is said that during the wedding-ranks, many of the groom's friends will arm themselves with swords, sing and dance, guarding along the palanquin.

"Lebanon timber"

"Lebanon is in the north of Palestine, a name of the mountain range in this region, stretching from the south-west to north-east. It produces good quality timber, one of which is the famous cedar.


Purple is a royal colour.  "Daughters of Zion", are the "daughters of Jerusalem".

3.        Sweetness Of Friendship (4:1-5:1)


The groom sings (to the bride).


"Mount Gilead"

A mountain range in the east of River Jordan, suitable for rearing cattle and sheep.  The furs of this land are lithe, (Gen 27:16) black and long (1 Sam 19:13) and shiny.


"Like a flock of newly shorn ewes which have come up from their washing",

Should be a flock of ewes, which have just come up from the washing, waiting for shearing.  Means pure white.


"A scarlet thread"

describes thinness and red.

"Two temples"

or translated as "two cheeks"

"like a slice of pomegranate"

describes the cheeks being rosy and lovely.


Description on the beauty of the neck (Ezek 27:11).  From old, a strong neck and a high nose has been the condition of a Jewish beauty.


“Mountain of myrrh", "hill of frankincense"

A reference to the female form.

"Until the day breathes, and the shadows flee"

Refers to sunset (2:17).


“My bride"

This is when the groom begins to address her as his bride.  "Bride" means fiancé, being more intimate than "best-match", as best-match only means girlfriend, lover.


The author explains it as lover.


Lebanon is the mountain range in the north of Palestine, stretching from west-southern part to east-northern part. The mountain range in the western part is pro-Lebanon and the eastern mountain range is outside Lebanon (or translated as anti-Lebanon).


Amana is the source of water flowing from Amana River to Damascus, the summit of the anti-Lebanon mountain range.


Senir is another name of Hermon mountain (Deut 3:9), or we can say it is part of Hermon mountain (1 chron 5:23). Hermon mountain is the highest summit in the anti-Lebanon southern mountain range (2,814 metres). The summit is covered with snow throughout the four seasons. Mountains refers to the world's riches and prosperity.

"Dens of lions" and "Mountains of leopards"

They are the dwelling places of the demon (Rev 18:2), showing no difference in the Babylonian city cited in Revelation - sinful world.


"Fragrance of Lebanon"

As Lebanon produces fragrant timber, the mountains are filled with fragrance (Hos 14:6).


Means not let going.  Signifies a woman's virginity.

4:13 -14

Describes the bride's virtues.


Limpid water, describes the purity of the bride. This scene depicts a joyous garden, representing the church situation and the glory of heaven.


The bride sings (to the groom).


"North wind" is piercingly cold wind. "South wind" is sweltering hot winds (Lk 12:55, Song 1:11). All refers to trials and tribulations. Being unperturbed by the cold wind and the hot wind, and able to manifest an awe-inspiring righteousness in the trying times. Like when cherry blossoms encounter bitter cold winter, they give off more fragrance (Ref. Hymn 105). This is a restricted garden, allowing only the groom to enter.


The groom sings (to the bride).


"O Friends", "O, lovers" (plural), all refer to the groom's friends (Jn 3:29).

4.        Separation of Love again (5:2-6:1)


The bride sings (introspection)


The bride is semi-conscious.  

Describes the uncautious in spirituality.  This is the second time she deserted her groom at the door (3:1).

"Knocking on the door"

This is an analogy of Christ knocking at the doors of believers' hearts (Rev 3:14-20 Ref. Hymn 242). The summers in Philistines are filled with heavy dew drops (Judg 6:38, Ps 133:3) .



Garment refers to undergarment.  In the old days, man used to sleep naked.  Depicting cold-hearted believers with many excuses to reject God.


"Put his hand to the latch"

It means winning the heart of the bride.


The groom's love touches the heart of the bride.  But when the bride awakes and opens the door, the groom has left in sorrow.


"Watchmen" (3:3) and "The guardsmen of the city wall", are security guards.  The bride was beaten because she wonders around the city in the night and was mistaken for an unchaste woman and so was being punished.


The bride sings (to the daughters).


The virgins sing (to the bride).


The bride sings (to the daughters).


The bride praises the good looks of the groom.

"Lips like lilies" means red.  These lilies are red wild flowers.

"Beryl" describe the nails.

"Sapphires" describe veins, or the colour of a vest.

"Alabaster" or "Marbles" (Japanese translation).

"Bases of gold"

describe the legs.


The meaning of "Lebanon" in the original text is "white", snow-capped mountains (Jer 18:14). The highest summit is 3108 metres, in the northern part of Philistines. Blossoms are bountiful and the place is glorious looking (Is 53:2).


Cedar trees are loftier than all other trees in the forest, their tops are among the clouds, beautiful, strong and fragrant (Ezek 31:3-9, Amos 2:9).


“Friends” is only mentioned here.  The author explains it as "partners".


The daughters sing (to the bride).


The testimony of the bride touches the hearts of the women and they seek the groom with her (Ref. 5:9).

5.        Love Reconciled (6:2-8:7)


The bride sings (to the groom),


Has found the groom, he is in his garden.


"I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine".

This illustrates the improvement of the relationship, deeper than before (2:16).


The groom sings (to the bride)



Tirzah was the capital of northern Israel, built by King Jeroboam (1 Kgs 14:17), till King Omri moved the capital to Samaria (1 Kgs 16:23-24).  "Tirzah" has the meaning of joy.

"As awesome as an army with banners"

It represents the majestic ranks of the church, and is to be invincible. (Ref .Hymn 105).


"Gilead", (Ref.. 4:1) .


"Sixty", "Eighty", refers to numerous (Ref. 1 Kgs 2:3).


There is only one perfect true church.


Praising the beauty of the bride and her awesomeness. Some feels that this verse should precede verse 4 to illustrate a clearer meaning,


The bride sings (to the grooms).

6:11 -12

The bride goes down into the garden with her beloved (6:2), therefore making the relationship stronger. "My soul was set over the chariots among my noble people", or explains as "My soul was set over the chariots with my beloved beside me". (Japanese translation).


The virgins sing (1st portion), bride sings (2nd portion).


In Philistines, there was a tradition for the bride to dance at the wedding feast for her guests. She would hold a sword in her right hand and a cloth in her left, and dance and sing with the accompanying virgins who would held lanterns. This is perhaps part of the song routine. Shulammite" is "Shuna", is the south of Nazareth. As the Shunnamite girl was very beautiful (1 Kgs 1:3-5) and therefore addressed this girl as Shulammite girl. In other words, "Shulammite girl" means "King Solomon's girl". "Mahanaim dance" there is no clear of what means or perhaps it refers to the army in heaven dancing (Gen 32:2).


The groom sings (to the bride).


"Queenly maiden" (Ps 45:13)

Queenly maidens is the address to bride. In a day of wedding ceremony, the bride is addressed as the "queenly maiden". In the original text, "Queenly maiden" is translated as a "Noble man's daughter".


"Belly is like a heap of wheat", describes health and a full waist.


"Your eyes like the pools in Heshbon by the gate of Bath-rabbim"

It is explained as "Your eyes are the pools in Hesbhon by the gate of Bath-rabbim". Heshbon is in the east of the Jordan River and Bath-rabbim is the gate of this city. There are two crystal-clear pools illustrating the beauty of the eyes.

"Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon, which faces toward Damascus"

It is to keep watch over and suppress Damascus, and therefore, build a control tower at the mountain range in the east of Lebanon. This describes the beauty and strength of the nose.



It stands out in the mountain range in the Mediterranean Sea (546 Km above sea level). Its awesomeness and beauty is the best in Palestine.

"King" refers to the groom.


 "Palm tree" describes the slim and gracful of a woman, tall and beautiful.


This verse is translated as "Your kiss is like the best wine, it goes down smoothly through the lips".


The bride sings (to the groom).


Means solely belonging to the beloved, spirituality at its peak (2:16, 6:3)



“Us” is two become one body.


In the original text it meant garden balsam.  It is translated as garden balsam in clusters.



“Us” show in one action, one thought. 

"I will give you my love"

It means absolute devotion.



In the old days, people believed this fruit was good for health and helps the expecting women to nurture the foetus in their womb.

"All these which I have saved up for you"

It means devoted love.  


The bride hopes to show affection to the groom without being despised at.


"Wine" refers to the intoxication of love.


The bride sings (to the daughters).


Ref. 2:7; 4:5.

[8:5 1st portion]

The daughters sing (to the bride).


The bride leaning securely on the groom, refers to how peaceful are the believers in the grace of God.

"Wilderness" (3:6)

It represents the rough and bumpy road of life and it relates to the lives of the Israelites who went through wilderness.

[8:5 2nd portion]

The groom sings (to the bride).


The apple tree has two memorable parts.  First, the groom awakens the bride, hence evoking the memory of their first love in that place. Second, that place was where the bride was delivered from her mother's womb. "Labour" is the "labour pain during delivery". Hence, beneath the apple tree means having sweet memories. That place is worth remembering, referring to God's grace and sufferings should be pondered on remembered; never abandoning our initial faith (Heb 3:14), hope (Heb 10:32-39), love (Rev 2:4-5).


The bride sings (to the groom).


"Set me as a seal upon your heart"

It means remember in the heart (Is 49:14-16).

"Like a seal on your arm"

It means precious. (Jer 22:24; Hag 2:23).

"Love is as strong as death, jealousy is as severe as Sheol"

It describes love being strong, like when death grips a person, it shall not release. Jealousy is the manifestation of a deep and strong love (Song 4:4-5).


Some say, it is "intense love".


It is also explained as "flashes". ("The flame of the Lord is the most intense of flames.


"Many waters cannot quench love, nor will rivers overflow it”

It refers to a determined and devoted love. We should have ths immovable love for God (Rom 8:35-39). Verses 6 & 7 are the highlights of this book.

6.        The Strength of Love (8:8-14)


The bride sings (to the groom).


"A little sister"

It represents the Jewish church. When the number of gentiles being converted to Christianity is fulfilled, they will be saved (Rom 2:25-26). The Jewish church matures slower than the gentile church.


The groom sings (to the bride).


Refers to the gentile church having the responsibility to work with God to help in the growth of the Jewish church.

"Wall" means the virginity of a woman that should be protected.

"Door" means an unchaste woman.

"A battlement of silver" is built on the wall, describing the crown on the bride's head.

"Cedar" is a beautiful, strong and fragrant wood.


The bride sings (to the groom).


"Were like towers"

It means tall and attracts attention easily. But observation is stable and not allowing the intr f enemies. This refers to the strength and maturity of the church not being easily attacked.

"In his eyes as one who finds peace"

It illustrates the peaceful state the church is in.



Its location is unclear, bears the meaning of "the owner of the wealth" or perhaps is the psalmist's imaginary name for the place.


It represents church (Matt 21:33)


It refers to the church workers. When the "hour" arrives, the church workers must present their books to God to ccord them the rewards they deserve (Matt 25:14-30, Heb 13:17).


 "My very own vineyard is at my disposal"

It means Solomon's garden is the bride's garden, there is no distinction between the two (8:13). The caretakers have a definite reward, referring to God's workers having their righteous rewards (Jn 4:36; 1 Cor 3:6-8, 15:58; 2 Tim 4:6-8; 1 Pet 5:1-4, Rev 14:13).


The groom sings (to the bride).



It means believers and observers of the truth.  The voice of the bride is gentle (2:14), represents the voices testifying for God.

"Let me hear it"

It refers to God delights in listening to believers testimonies, prayers and hymn singing.


The bride sings (to the groom).


"Hurry, my beloved", and "come, Lord Jesus" (Rev 22:26)

They correspond with each other. This is the plea of the believers in the last days.

"Like a gazelle or a young stag on the mountains of spices"

It means to come quickly.

"Mountains of spices"

Also explained as "mountains of natural fragrance". Never to mention "Until the cool of the day when the shadows flee away" (2:17, 4:6), because the night is disappearing, the time is known and the day of righteousness - Christ will soon manifest Himself. (Mal 4:2).

C.     Commentary

1.        CHAPTER ONE


The love of the bridegroom is very attractive (1:1-7).


The bridegroom's love la better than wine. Wine is a mocker (Prov 20:1). It gives men temporary happiness only; a drunkard often loses his peace of mind. Moreover, believers should despise worldly happiness; they should place greater importance on seeking the joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17). We should enjoy the love of Christ and suffer for His sake rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin (Heb 11:24-26).


The Lord's name is like poured-out ointment, loved by the maidens. The name of Jesus is above all (Phil 2:9-10). Men can receive life in His name (Jn 20:31). There is no other name under heaven which is comparable to His (Acts 4:12). Those who know Him spreads His aroma (II Cor 2:14-15). This fragrance refers to the good works of men which enable God to be glorified (Mt 5:16). Only a few drops of ointment of superior quality is sufficient. In the olden days, the superior quality ointment was contained in a priceless vase. If it had to be completely "poured out" the vase would have to be broken. This signifies the Lord sacrificed His life and gave Himself to save men (Gal 2:20); He is the expiation for our sins (I Jn 2:2). The great love of the Lord attracts all believers. Thus, the maidens love Him, being overwhelmed by His love (II Cor 5:14-15). If His name does not attract us, we would not have drawn near to Him (Jn 12:32; 6:44).


Let us make haste and follow Him, and be taken into His chambers. Having been drawn by the cords of the Lord's compassion with the bands of love (Hos 11:4), and His everlasting love (Jer 31:3), let us hurry and follow Him. Men must not walk slowly when he wants to leave sin to follow Jesus (Gen 19:17); instead, they must press on towards Him so that they are able to receive His love (Phil 3:13-14).

Being in the court and entering the chambers are two different stages. The Lord's bringing of us into His chambers represents His deep love. This brings our spirituality in closer fellowship with the Lord giving us joy. In other words, the Church and the Lord have become one (Eph 5:29-32).


The village girl is sun-tanned, healthy and sweet. Shulammite, the woman in the book, is sun-tanned. This is the colour of health and it makes her prettier . The Lord Jesus is the son of righteousness (Mal 4:2). By the protection of His light the True Church has this healthy colour. The worldly people do not understand the True Church which is rather lowly as compared to worldly churches. As such, they often despise the True Church. The daughters cf Jerusalem refer to the spiritually naive worldly Christians, as they do not understand true beauty, they often despise it.

The tents of Kedar were the living quarters of the local shepherds, The tents were made of goatskin; the exterior was rather unsightly but the interior was rather nice. This represents that although the True Church has no outward appearance, it is very beautiful internally (Is 52:14; 53:4). Within the curtains of Solomon were hidden many treasures. The True Church is full of grace and truth just like treasure in earthen vessels (II Cor 4:7).

'My mother's sons' refer to fellow Christians. 'Making me keeper of the vineyards' refers to them forcing the True Church to follow their method of worship; in other words they want us to forsake the holy work which we should do and instead follow them in teaching as doctrines the precepts of men (Mt 15:9) e.g. keeping the Sabbath on Sunday, celebrating Christmas, etc. We cannot accept all these.


She longs to work alongside her beloved; she does not like to be an idle observer, like one who is veiled. Being drawn by the love of the Lord, there is not one moment when we do not like to draw near to Him so that our souls could receive peace (Mt 11:28). We are willing to be fellow workers of the Lord (I Cor 3:9). We do not want to be ineffective and unfruitful (II Pet 1:8).


The bridegroom appreciates the beauty of his bride. He presents her with expensive ornaments (1:8-13).


This verse is spoken by an observer who sees the beautiful woman longing for her lover. He tells her to follow in the tracks of the flock. Her lover is a shepherd- The shepherd often goes before his flock (Jn 10:4). If she finds the flock, she will find her lover. The flock refers to believers of the Lord. If we strive to seek the Lord's flock we would be able to draw near to Him.  Since she is the shepherd's wife, she has to help her husband to tend the sheep. He who loves the Lord will have to feed His lambs (Jn 21:25-27).   This is  the duty of the wife.


In the eyes of the bridegroom, the bride is like a horse of Pharaoh's chariots. The Pharaoh's horse is trained to receive orders; it is energetic, strong, and brave. The true church also should not be afraid to labour and to strive with all energy (Col 1:29), to be strong and not to be timid (II Tim 1:7).

The wife of the shepherd is surely not the type of woman who is weak and timid, or woman with only outer beauty and not inner virtues (Prov 31:29-30).

The bride's cheek are comely with ornaments represents that the True Church is so full of love for God and for men that her cheeks are gloriously lighted up.

The bridegroom also appreciates the beauty of the bride's neck adorned with strings of jewels. The Lord Jesus is the Head of the Church (Eph 5:23). The neck joins the head to the body. This symbolises the obedience of the Church. The ornaments of the head and neck, like pendants or strings of jewels refer to the instructions and teachings of God (Prov 2:13-15). They sparkle with purity.


The aroma of the bride (1:12-14).


Giving forth the fragrance.

While I was seated together with the king, my perfume gave forth its fragrance. This represents that the Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts - we are united as one with the Lord (I Cor 6:17). To have the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts is to be seated with the Lord (Rev 3:21). Bearing the good fruits of the Holy Spirit is giving forth fragrance (II Cor 2:14-16).

Myrrh is a type of fragrant substance made from a kind of plant. It is not only fragrant, it is also noted for its lasting fragrance. It also serves as a balm. Taking the Lord as a bag of myrrh that lies between the breasts means that with the Lord dwelling in us, we not only give forth lasting fragrance, we also receive the joy in the Spirit that can remove all grief.

The beloved is like a cluster of henna blossoms in the vineyards. The fragrant henna blossoms are liked by women. The vineyards represent God's Church. With the presence of the Lord Jesus in the Church, the Church is full of joy of the Spirit (I Thess 1:6).


The beautiful eyes of the bride (1:15).


Dove signifies the Holy Spirit.   The bride's eyes are like doves - represents that the bride has spiritual eyes which are able to search everything and understand the mysteries of God (I Cor 2:10),


The green is the food of the flock; the couch is a place of rest. In the Church, the saints live in peace with the Lord just like the sheep resting in the green.

Cedar and pine are good building materials. The new couple live in a luxurious building - represents that we live harmoniously in the spiritual palace.

2.        CHAPTER TWO


The mutual love of the bride and bridegroom (2:1-9).


Sharon is situated to the south of Mount Carmel. It is a desolate wilderness where roses are plentiful. (The descent of the Lord is like the sudden sight of roses when one is journeying in the wilderness).

Valleys refer to dark places of hardship. The world is likened to a valley of the shadow of death (Ps 23:4).   In this valley no one respects the Lord. However, the Lord is pure and He is able to comfort and bring joy to men.


The bride is a lily among the brambles. This represents that the True. Church is able to overcome all difficulties in this wicked world. Braaibles refer to sins and godless men (II Sam 23:6). Lily refers to God's Church. She grows in the midst of persecutions. It represents that she overcomes all obstacles (Is 27:4).


The bride has the care, protection and the love of the husband. The bridegroom among the young men is like an apple tree. Although the apple tree is neither tall nor big, it has abundant leaves and sweet fruits. The traveller found rest under it and tasted abundant sweet fruits. In this world between the scientists, politicians, etc., and the Lord, the Lord is not as well received as men. However, He can keep the souls of men awake, and gives contentment and rest to those who seek righteousness (Mt 11:28).

Being brought to the banqueting house refers to partaking in the feast of truth (Mt 22:2; Ps 23:5; Is 25:6). The Lord's banner over us is Love. We hope for the Lord's love and joy of victory under his banner. The Lord is the vine. Raisins do not become bad after being kept for a long time. It refers to the grace and the truth which make man spiritually healthy and strong (Jn 15:1; 1:17). The apple refers to the Word of the Lord (Prov 25:11) which delights men.

The bride being lovesick represents that without the Lord's care the spiritually weak church would not be able to prosper (Eph 5:29). The Lord's love is our everlasting arms (Deut 33:27). The Lord's mighty power is His right hand (Ps 118:15-16). We will receive contentment and joy in His love and mighty power (Jn 16:22).


The bridegroom requested the daughters of Jerusalem not to stir up nor awaken his wife until she herself wanted it. The daughters of Jerusalem refer to the non-spiritual churches. They often Interfered and criticise the True Church, hindering the natural development of the True Church. Thus the Lord rebukes them. He wants the spiritual church to work gladly, develop naturally and realise her responsibilities (II Cor 12:14-15).


As the bride is not watchful, she us separated from her husband. The husband shouts and searches for her, leaping upon the mountains and bounding over the hills till he comes to her window. This means that because of the Church's weakness for an instant» the Lord has to overcome many battles in order to draw us close to Him. Gazelles and stags are fast-moving animals. When the Lord finds that we are losing faith, He would quickly reach out His to us (Mt 14:30-32). When the bridegroom arrives, the bride is still in bed. She does not wake up to receive him. The bridegroom has to call from the window. When we are spiritually weak, our fleshly desires are like a closed door through which the Lord's Spirit is unable to enter. He will become anxious and will just call from outside the door, hoping that we will be watchful.


The bridegroom's soft encouragement (2:10-14).


The bridegroom understands his wife's weakness; he wakes her up with a soft voice. The Lord knows that our spirit is willing but our flesh is weak. Thus, He calls upon us to be watchful (Mt 26:41).


In His soft voice, the bridegroom says that the winter is past and the rain is over and gone; the flowers have appeared and the birds are singing. Why not wake up and enjoy together? The Lord has instructed that salvation is here; there is much holy work to be done; it is time for us to make the move.


The rock is Christ.  The dove in the cleft of the rock looks safe. We cannot just seek for safety and comfort and stay in a protected place. The Lord is calling softly, hoping that we would draw near to Him and have and intimate communion with Him. He wants to see whether the Church's achievements are good and whether the fruits they bear for His glory are pleasing to Him.


The beloved in the bride's mind (2:15-17).


The little foxes are animals which damage the vineyard. They should be caught so that the vineyards could be protected. The vineyards refer to the Church and also to men's heart. The little foxes signify the false brethen who secretly infiltrate into the Church (Gal 2:4-5), often spoiling the holy work; they are the fleshly desires in men's hearts (1:14-15). They always wreck the faith of men. Therefore, they should be caught and removed. The vineyard is in blossom signifies that the holy work Is just about to be executed. If such people are not removed, we would not have good fruits to enjoy.


The bride declares, "My beloved is mine and I am his". To the bride's mind, she and her husband cannot be separated. Such words are spoken three times. This represents the three stages in her love for her husband:

1.        My beloved is mine and 1 am his (2:16).  

This is the elementary stage. "I" is the main figure in the phrase.

2.        I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine (6:3).

This phrase represents that the two are equal and at the same time each is entitled to his opinion.  It has not reached the stage where she is obedient to him. Nevertheless, this is an improvement on the first stage.

3.        I am my beloved's, and his desire is for me (7:10). 

This phrase reveals that she is no longer taking herself as the main figure; she feels contented with her husband's desire for her.   She has come to a degree of complete obedience.   This is love's highest stage.   She has indicated that she would no longer regard herself as her own, but instead she is living for her husband.   True believers should attain this stage of living for Christ (Rom 14:7-8).


He pastures his flock among the lilies. This refers 2nd to the Lord feeding and protecting His own believers portion under the quiet, peaceful spiritual surroundings.


She hopes that her beloved would return quickly before the sun sets, It signifies that we hope for the Lord's advent before the last day (Rev 22:20).



The parting and the search (3:1-4).


At night, the bride lazily slept. Awakening she was unable to find her husband by her side. The bride was unable to keep awake. It appears as if she has wandered away from God in the night. On waking up, she is shocked to find Christ missing. She tries to look for Him but to no avail; because she used the wrong approach in her search. Without the light of truth, it is difficult to look for a man in the dark; moreover, how could a man be found if the one who searches does not get out of bed?


She felt that she should get up from the bed. This is ah awakening on her part. However, she went to the wrong place to search. Her husband is a shepherd? she did not look for him in the pastures where the lilies grow wild; instead she looked for him in the busy streets and in the squares. She would never find him there. Let us not look for the Lord in spacious squares and busy with people (Mt 7:13). Howe can the Lord be there? Can the shepherd dwell in the worldly churches which are grand and magnificent?


The bride asked the watchmen for the whereabouts of her husband. Again she asked the wrong people. Would they know the whereabouts of the shepherd of the fields? These watchmen refer to the evangelists of the worldly churches. We think that they" will surely know about the promise of the Holy Spirit and the guarantee of salvation (Eph 1:13-14; II Cor 1:21-22). In the end, it is like asking the blind for direction.


By asking a blind man for direction, one gets the wrong guidance. The bride had to leave them, and search in another more likely place. At last, she managed to find her lover. She would not let him go. She brought him into the inner chamber of her mother's house. In seeking the Lord's grace and truth, one has to discard the wrong guidance. Only in the Zionic true church can God's law be found (Is 2:2-3). Since we have received the truth, let us always keep it in our hearts (inner chamber) (II Tim 1:14).


Refer to explanation on (2:7).


The bridegroom's deportment (3:5-11).


She sees her husband return from afar. Of course, the shepherd is coming from the wilderness; ha is like a column of smoke, perfumed with fragrant powders. The Lord Jesus has been exalted to draw the people to Him. His love, mercy, holiness, power, gentleness, kindness and other fragrances are scattered in all directions. This is Christ, the pioneer and perfector of our faith who is the hope of all men (Heb 12:1-2).


After seeing her husband's deportment, she becomes godly. Although, her husband is only a shepherd, he is an honourable prince to her. Being godly, she litter seems to see the mighty men guarding the litter refer of Solomon. The person in the litter naturally is the to king. The litter represents the True Church in which couch Christ, the Prince of Peace dwells (Is 9:6-7). His soldiers, with full armour, guard Him gallantly on all sides (Eph 6:13). Each of them is equipped with the sword of the Spirit at his thigh. The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God (Eph 6:17). The palanquin (sedan chair) of Solomon was made from the wood of Lebanon which is a material of high quality. Its posts were made of silver and its back of gold. The fragrant wood of Lebanon represents that the believers who constitute the Church are virtuous. The posts of the palanquin refer to the unblemished holy workers of the Church who shine forth their light. The back of the palanquin represents the Church's foundation. Gold is likened unto the sons of God (Lam 4:2). Hence, the back or foundation of the Church is made up of the precious sons of God. The seat is the throne of the King. Purple colour refers to honour and royalty. As the King, Lord Jesus, the Almighty, will sit on the honourable throne (Rev 19:4-6). The seat being wrought lovingly by the daughters of Jerusalem refers to believers of worldly churches who desire spiritual grace; they will come to the True Church to draw near to the Lord.

The daughters of Zion are told to look at the glorious crown of Solomon on his wedding day. This represents that believers of worldly churches would be able to look enviously upon the virtues of glorifying God by the true believers (I These 2:19).

4.        CHAPTER FOUR


The bride is beautiful in all parts of her body (4:1-5).


By her lover's detail observation, the bride is perfectly beautiful. The true believers of the Lord must have good conduct and be able to live up to the hopes of the Lord. They must become perfect, as the Heavenly Father is perfect (Mt 5:48).  The groom lists the beauty of his bride:

1.        Eyes

Eyes refer to the leaders of the Church, and saints' eyes of their hearts. Dove-like eyes refer to eyes being bright and pure. If the eye is clear, the whole body will be full of light (Mt 6:22). If the pillars of the Church understand the truth, the Church will have Christ's gracious light. If we are illuminated by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, the eyes of our hearts will be opened (Eph 1:16-17).

2.        Hair 

Like a flock of goats moving down the slopes of Gilead. Mount Gilead is located to the east of Jordan. It is a quiet grazing ground. The goats graze in peace and gentle obedience. Hair is a woman's pride and glory (I Cor 11:15). It represents gentle obedience (I Cor 15:10). As Christ is the Head of the Church (Eph 5:23), the Church should have the beauty of obeying and glorifying the Lord.

3.        Teeth

Perfectly clean like a flock of newly shorn ewes. Such a full set of clean teeth are healthy and strong. This represents that we are no longer babies who still require milk but are people who are able to take in solid food and who are skilled in the word of righteousness (Heb 5:13-14); we have attained to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph 4:13).

4.        Lips   

Like a scarlet thread. Red 1ips symbolise healthy lips. By using one scarlet thread as a mark, Rahab and her family were saved from destruction (Josh 2:18-21; 6:23). The lips of the Church are preachers of the Gospel of Salvation. Through the words of the scarlet thread-like lips, the people of the world are often saved together with their whole household (Ref Acts 16:30-34). Such lips are used to sing praises to God and bear fruits of the lips; and also to speak edifying words for the benefit of men (Eph 4:29).

5.        Cheeks

Like halves of a pomegranate. This refers to the lovely red flesh of a cut pomegranate. Lovely cheeks represent good-heartedness. Good-heartedness is inner beauty. A person's humility, gentleness, kindness and joy are often reflected on his cheeks. Thus, the Lord finds the virtue of believers lovelier and lovelier.

6.        Neck  

The neck connects the head to the body. It symbolises the love and faith of the Lord (head) and the Church (body). If the Lord has no love for the Church or if the Church has no faith in the Lord, the man will not be a complete body. The neck being obedient represents our obedience to the Lord (head) (Eph 5:24). David was a great warrior. The neck is like his tower built for an arsenal, whereon hang a thousand bucklers, all of them shields of warriors. Faith is as important to believers as arms are to warriors. A thousand bucklers refer to abundant faith which is sufficient to resist the flaming darts of the evil one (Eph 6:16). The Lord looks upon the faith of the true believers as lovely.

7.        Two  Breasts  

Breasts are important organs which produce milk to feed babies.  It is best that a mother's breasts be fully developed. Evangelists are the breasts of the Church. Evangelists who have had good training, who are rich with experience and spiritual knowledge would provide spiritual milk for believers so that they would gradually grow up (I Pet 2:2). The breasts are like two fawns that feed among the lilies. This represents peaceful, quiet, safe and happy spiritual surrounding. The Lord's evangelists preach the gospel of peace. They themselves should be nurtured under such peaceful and happy surroundings. The ideal is for evangelists to work in twos (Lk 10:1). Two is better than one because they can support one another and be united in heart and in strength (Eccles 4:9, 12). God created woman with two breasts; if one of them is unable to produce milk, the other can provide milk for the baby. God's work is indeed wonderful.


The bride searches for her beloved unceasingly (4:6).


The bride knows that it is useless just to wait for her beloved at home, she decides to go after him until sunset, to the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense. In our search for Christ, we should also not go about blindly: we have to begin our search from the True Church, the holy Mount Zion (Is 2:1-3), which spreads the aroma of Christ (II Cor 2:14-15) until the end of the world.


The inner beauty of the bride (4:7-16).


The bride is all fair; there is no flaw in her. The Church of God has been cleansed with the truth to become holy and unblemished (Eph 5:26-27).


The bride is being urged to depart from the comfortable Lebanon, and to look down from the peaks of Amana, Senir and Harmon. After a true believer has grown up spiritually, he should give up his own comfort and instead to offer himself for the service of the holy work, just like the bride being told to depart from the comfortable Lebanon. Mounts Hermon, Amana and Senir are famous for their heights. The Lord's true believers should do away with status, name, scholastic knowledge and riches which they valued highly originally. They should set their eyes on the land of Canaan i.e. the Lord's pasture or field (Church). Moses relinquished the honour of becoming Pharaoh's grandson (Heb 11:24-2); Paul relinquished his high post in society (Phil 3:4-14) to labour for Christ. At the peaks of the mountains mentioned are lions and leopards. We may be devoured by them (I Pet 5:8). They are indeed dangerous places.


The bride has ravished her beloved's heart. The Lord loves the Church; He sacrificed Himself for the sake of the Church (Eph 5:25). His love is so deep that He sacrificed His own life. Thus, the Church has ravished the heart of the Lord. The bridegroom faints with a glance at his bride's eyes. This represents that for the sake of our faith, the Lord sacrificed Himself. For by grace we have been saved through faith (Eph 2:8). Thus faith is the glance at the bride. The bridegroom's heart is also ravished by the necklace of the bride. This obedient neck with the necklace refers to man's virtuous conduct (Jas 2:22), holiness (Ps 29:2), wisdom (Prov 3:21-22), gentleness and quietness (I Pet 3:4-5). True believers with such necklaces are worthy of the Lord's love.


The bride's love is better than wine; her fragrance is above any other spice. Wine is a drink which brings excitement to men for their enjoyment. However, the Lord is only pleased with the love of believers. This factor has been discussed above. The believers who offer unto the Lord ointment whose fragrance is above any other spice, and who present their bodies as living sacrifices (Rom 12:1) make fragrant offerings which are acceptable to God (Gen 8:21).


The bride's tongue has honey and milk; her garments scent is as fragrant as the scent of Lebanon. The gracious word preached by the True Church is like honey and milk which can cultivate a man spiritually to maturity (I Pet 2:2). The garments refer to the conduct of believers which spreads the aroma of the glory of God. Our faith is proclaimed to all the world (Ron 1:8).


The bride is a locked garden, a sealed fountain. Being locked or sealed signifies that the thing is only for the use of one special person; a third person is not allowed to intrude. The bride's garden of heart and fountain of love can only be enjoyed by her husband alone. This signifies that our thoughts, minds, belief, and love belong to Christ. Nothing can interfere or change that situation (Rom 8:35-39).


The bride's garden has fragrant flowers and fruit-bearing trees. She is a garden spring, flowing streams. In the True Church, as each plant gives forth its aroma, God's glory is increased. The Church is thereby full of fragrance and bears the good fruits of the Holy Spirit i.e. love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal 5:22-23). The garden must constantly be watered with the spring water such that trees will bear fruits and plants will flower. The Church must have the living water of the Holy Spirit so that she can bear the fruits of the Spirit (Jn 7:37-39).


The bride urges the north wind and the south wind to blow into the garden so that the fragrance of the garden can be spread. She hopes her beloved would enter the garden and enjoy the good fruits. The south wind refers to favorable conditions; the north wind refers to adverse conditions. Whether under favorable or adverse conditions, the Church must be firm in her faith, give forth the fragrance of saints and have good conduct to glorify God (I Pet 2:11-12). Since the Church is a spiritual garden, she has to bear good fruits (Mt 21:34, 18-19).

5.        CHAPTER FIVE


The bridegroom and his friends enjoy the products of the garden (5:1).


The bridegroom invites hie friends for enjoyment in the garden. The fruits, the spice, wine, milk and honeycomb of the garden are fruits of the bride's labour. The bridegroom happily invites his friends to enjoy with him. The achievements of the Church bringing glory to the Lord Jesus please Him. Thus, He invites those who are righteous before Him and those who keep His commandments (Jn 15:13-15* Jas 2:23) to enjoy and partake of the bread of life (Jn 6:48-51) and the eternal spring in the Church (Jn 4:13-14). He welcomes people to eat and drink as much as they can.


The bride delayed in opening the door to welcome the bridegroom, and deeply regretted the delay when she found that he had left (5:2-9).


The husband gently knocked on the door but the wife slept on. Although she was asleep, her heart was awake. When one is not awake, he invites the seducer, Satan, to enter into him. For although the spirit is willing the flesh is weak (Mt 26:40-44). This is called spiritual slumber (Mt 25:5>. If we only have a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the arms to rest, poverty will creep upon us (Prov 6:9-11). In this verse," let us note the following 4 important matters:

1.        It was during the night 

Today we are in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation (Phil 2:15).   It is like the night being far gone (Rom 13:12).  We must keep sober (I Pet 4:7).

2.        The Lord calls tenderly 

The Lord knows our weakness in the flesh (Mt 26:40-41). He would certainly rescue us from trials (II Pet 2:9). He is calling intimately and lovingly because He wants men to be awake.

3.        The bridegroom's plea

The bridegroom knew that his bride was weak. He did not shout Instead he tenderly pleaded to her to get up. This was due to his complete love for her. Let us be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might (Eph 6:10).

4.        The suffering of the bridegroom

His hair was wet with dew because he had been waiting outside for quite some time. How could the bride bear to see her beloved suffer for her sake?  For the sake of His Church, Jesus suffered much agony and pain even to the extent of giving up His life. Is there greater love than this?   (Jn 15:13-15). Can we estimate the breadth, length, height and depth of Christ’s love? (Eph 3:18). Therefore, let us get up now, otherwise when opportunity has passed, no work can be done anymore (Jn 9:4).


At this moment, the bride was still not moved, She said that since she had taken off her garment how could she put it on again and how could she dirty her feet all again? How could she be so cruel as to utter such words towards one who loved her very much? It was not that she did not like to open the door for her beloved, it was that she was unable to overcome laziness. In our service for the Lord, we have to overcome laziness. Let us not reject the holy work by giving excuses and accept the grace of the Lord in vain (II Cor 6:1). Instead we should learn from the ant (Prov 6:6-7).


When the bride saw her lover put his hand to the latch, she was thrilled. As he could not wake up his bride by calling he tried to open the door himself by putting his hand to the latch. At that moment, the bride saw the hand which had lifted her and protected her during her sickness; she was moved. Peter denied the Lord three times. Later on, he became sober when he heard the cock crow. At the thought of the gracious love of the Lord, Peter was moved. He went out and wept bitterly and repentantly. At times, we may become foolish enough to neglect the Lord's work. However, when we think of how the Lord suffered for our sake, and visualise the Lord's hands which bear the print of the nails, we would bitterly repent and call "my Lord and my God" (Jn 20:27-28); we would pray for His forgiveness.


Being deeply moved, the bride quickly arose to unbolt the door. She discovered her hands were with myrrh which dripped upon the handles of the bolt. Only then did she realise that her beloved's hand, full of myrrh, had handled the latch. Now, her own hands were covered with the spice. Myrrh is not only fragrant, it is also a good medicine for pain relief. The saving hands of the Lord will deliver men from difficult sea (Mt 14:30-31>, and will draw men up from the desolate pit (Ps 40:2). The Lord's hands deliver men. They have everlasting love (Jer 31:3). Let us commit our spirits into His hand (Ps 31:5). Our hands have also been covered with the Lord's precious spice. Dripping upon the handles of the bolt signifies that we have to emulate the Lord's spirit of deliverance by serving men (Mt 20:26-28), to spend and be spent in saving men's souls (II Cor 12:15), and preach the Word which is our duty (II Tim 4:2-5).


Opening the door, the bride discovered that her beloved had gone. She called but did not receive any answer. The success or failure of work does not depend on our wisdom or strife; it depends on the chance given by God (Eccles 9:11). If men do not treasure the time and chance, it would be too late when they regret it. The bridegroom left not because of his loss of love for her. He deliberately wanted her to examine herself and to correct herself. When we do wrong, the Lord would leave us for some time to allow us to repent after we realise our guilt, and seek Him (Hos 5:15).


When she could not find her beloved, she began to ask around for him. The people probably thought that she was out of her mind. The watchmen found her, beat her, wounded her and took away her mantle. Preachers without spiritual knowledge do not understand the earnestness of believers' in wanting to learn the Word. They are not only unable to lead the believers on the correct path, they criticize and despise them. God will condemn the false prophets who do not go up into the breaches and who do not build up a wall for the house of Israel (Ezek 13:3-5), who have devoured human lives and have taken treasures and precious things (Ezek 22:25).


The bride was earnest in her search for her beloved. She was not discouraged by people's despising and ill treatment of her; she continued to search, seeking help from others. Being hungry and thirsting for righteousness (Mt 5:6), and seeking the truth (Jn 14:6) show concern for believers. Paul worked very hard when he was young. Yet when he became old, he still did not think that he was already perfect; he believed that he should continue to strive ahead unceasingly (Phil 3:12-13). We should emulate Paul who was a good worker (I Cor 11:1).


The daughters of Jerusalem were astonished at the sentimental bride. The worldly people, being Ignorant of the attitude of true believers in learning the truth, would ask why the object of our search is so valuable.


The bride describes the elegance of the bridegroom (5:10-16).


The bride describes to the daughters of Jerusalem the elegance of her bridegroom:

1.        He is all radiant and ruddy

He is as white and radiant as the spotless Lamb (I Pet 1:19), shining like the sun (Mt 17:2). The Lord is sanctified and unblemished. He is the true image of God. He has the fullness of God's glory (Heb 7:26; Col 1:15-19; Col 2:9). "Ruddy" signifies a healthy colour of the skin. It symbolises the redness of the Lord's precious blood. This blood was shed for the remission of the sins of men (Mt 26:28). Such glorious and gracious colour is the special characteristic of Jesus. No wonder the bride's soul failed her (5:8).

2.        His head is like the finest gold

God is the Head of Christ (I Cor 11:3). Finest gold symbolises God's character. He is good and His steadfast love endures forever (Ps 136:1).

3.        His locks (hair) are as black as raven

Black hair represents the Lord's strength and vitality.   He will be the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8). His eyes are like doves beside springs of water

4.        His eyes are like doves beside springs of water

The Lord’s eyes are full of compassion, wisdom and righteousness which easily move men’s hearts.   The Lord's glance had resulted in the salvation of Zacchaeus and his whole household (Lk 19:5-9) and had resulted in Peter weeping repentantly (Lk 22:61-62). His eyes were bathed in milk, reposed in their setting,

5.        His cheeks are like beds of spices, yielding fragrance.

The most attractive part of aan are his cheeks. This means that wen are drawn to the Lord's face which resembles beautiful beds of spices such that they would be unwilling to leave Him.

6.        His lips are lilies, distilling liquid myrrh

Lilies represent purity.  The Lord's word is like pure spiritual milk (I Pet 2:2); it is pure fine gold (Ps 119:127). Myrrh represents the fragrance.  Also myrrh is used on the dead, it represents that men die to sin and live to righteousness (I Pet 2:24). The Lord’s teachings make men realize that they should live for the Lord (Rom 14:7-8).

7.        His arms are rounded gold, set with jewels

Rounded gold was 'gold rings' in the original text. The ring is a mark of sonship (Lk 15:22) and a mark of being given authority (Gen 41:42). The Lord Jesus is the Son of God (Mt 3:16-17). God has set His seal on Him (Jn 6:27), God has given Him authority (Jn 5:26, 27). The golden ring set with jewels represents that God has given judgment, the highest authority, to Christ (Jn 5:22).

8.        His body is carved ivory inlaid with sapphires

Theologians are of the opinion that the "body" here should be translated as "heart". The Lord is good-hearted and compassionate (Mt 9:36). Ivory is shiningly smooth and tough. It signifies that the Lord's heart is gentle and firm; His love endures forever. Sapphire is expensive and it is sky-blue in colour. It symbolises that the Lord's good-heartedness is from above and is indeed precious. When they regret it. The bridegroom left not because of his loss of love for her. He deliberately wanted her to examine herself and to correct herself. When we do wrong, the Lord would leave us for some time to allow us to repent after we realise our guilt, and seek Him (Hos 5: 15).

9.        His legs are alabaster columns, set upon bases of gold

At the front of the temple there were two pillars. One was called Boaz, which means full of strength. The other was called Jachin - which means immovable. The Lord's legs are like alabaster columns, strong and immovable, being set upon bases of gold represents having God as the foundation. It is safe and reliable for us to live at the feet of the Lord (I Ki 7:21).

10.     His appearance is like Lebanon, choice of the cedars

Lebanon is a magnificent mountain. Cedars are fragrant huge trees. They signify that the Lord is Christ, the pioneer and perfecter of the faith who is the hope of all men (Heb 12:2).

11.     His speech is most sweet.

It signifies that the Lord's gracious words are sweeter than honey (Ps 119:103) to the taste of men.


When she could not find her beloved, she began to ask around for him. The people probably thought that she was out of her mind. The watchmen found her, beat her, wounded her and took away her mantle. Preachers without spiritual knowledge, do not understand the earnestness of believers' in wanting to learn the Word. They are not only unable to lead the believers on the correct path, they criticize and despise them. God will condemn the false prophets who do not go up into the breaches and who do not build up a wall for the house of Israel (Ezek 13:3-5), who have devoured human lives and have taken treasures and precious things (Ezek 22:25).


The bride was earnest in her search for her beloved. She was not discouraged by people's despising and ill treatment of her; she continued to search, seeking help from others. Being hungry and thirsting for righteousness (Mt 5:6), and seeking the truth (Jn 14:6) show concern for believers. Paul worked very hard when he was young. Yet when he became old, he still did not think that he was already perfect; he believed that he should continue to strive ahead unceasingly (Phil 3:12-13). We should emulate Paul who was a good worker (I Cor 11:1).


The daughters of Jerusalem were astonished at the sentimental bride. The worldly people, being ignorant of the attitude of true believers in learning the truth, would ask why the object of our search is so valuable.


The bride describes to the daughters of Jerusalem how desirable her bridegroom is and how worthwhile it is for her to look for him. She also looks upon her beloved as a friend. The Lord sacrificed His life for friends, showing His unsurpassable love (Jn 15:13-15).

6.        CHAPTER SIX


The true love of the bride has moved the daughters (6:1-3).


The bride having described the good points of her beloved and expressed her true love towards him, has gained sympathy from those daughters who are willing to help her look for her beloved together. Members of the worldly churches who witness piety of the true believers begin to look for the Lord Jesus Christ.


The bride shows the place of her beloved. She no longer searches vainly for her beloved at the busy streets in town. She knows that her beloved likes to go to his garden to pasture his flock and gather lilies. She explains to those daughters that he could be found there. The garden of the Lord Jesus is the True Church which He has painstakingly nurtured. It also refers to our hearts. The Lord Jesus dwells in the hearts of the congregation of His Church where He tends His flock (Jn 10:14). Lilies have their fragrance, that is why the Lord Jesus not only pastures His flock in the garden, He also gathers lilies were. If lilies are not gathered and appreciate by the Lord Jesus, their beauty and fragrance will be meaningless. If we have talents, faith and virtue, gold and silver, knowledge or skills, but do not offer them for use to the Lord Jesus who save us, they will be like lilies which no one gathers to appreciate. Soon they will wither away and become useless. Flowers bloom for those who appreciate them. Likewise, Christians live for Christ (II Cor 5:4-15).


The bride explains to the daughters:  "I am ray beloved's and my beloved is mine." She shows improvement when compared to what she had said in 2:16 "My beloved is mine and I am his". The bride regards herself as equal to her beloved but there is still an element of self-centredness in her. She has not reached the stage where she is willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of love.


The bridegroom is moved by his wife's true love. He finds her even more beautiful and comely (6:4-10).


The bride is praised as beautiful as Tirzeth and as comely as Jerusalem. Both Tirzeth and Jerusalem which are situated on mountains refer to the magnificent and charming capital cities of kings. The True Church is just like these two famous cities - noble and glorious, fit for a king to live in. He also compliments his bride to be like an army with banners. This means that the True Church is like an ever-victorious army, unfurling the flag of Christ's love and manifesting His glory.


This is the turning point showing that the bridegroom's love to his bride has reached its climax. In other words, she has won over his heart. In future he will give himself up tor his beloved wife just like the Lord Jesus who has sacrificed Himself for the sake of the Church (Eph 5:25). This is due to the fact that the Church has won the heart of our Lord Jesus.


Reiterate the beauty of his beloved wife. (Refer to the previous wife).


A description saying that all the queens and concubines on earth are no comparison to the new bride. She is the only darling of her mother. She is so perfect and flawless that even the queens and concubines praise her. The True Church is sanctified by Christ by the washing of water with the word, without spot are wrinkle, holy and without blemish (Eph 5:26-27).


The beautiful countenance of the bride. She grows like the dawn, is as beautiful as the moon, as bright as the sun and as terrible as an army with banners.

1.        Grows like the dawn

The salvation of God shows that through the tender mercy of God, the day shall dawn upon us from on high (Lk 1:78).   After the Apostolic period, the Church began to deteriorate and there was no more glory of God. After a period of over a thousand years of darkness, as if it was a long dark night, the True Church of the new bride reappears.  It is just like the dawn of God's salvation has come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth (Hos 6:3).  Our path is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until the full day (Prov 4:18).

2.        Beautiful as the moon

Poets have their ways to describe the beauty of the moon.   It is described as noble and beautiful with pleasing, soothing light. The moon gets its light from the sun. Similarly, the light of the True Church comes from Christ.  We have Christ and so we have life (I Jn 5:11-12).   Without Christ we lose even our life, where then is the light?

3.        Bright as the sun

The sun of righteousness refers to Christ (Mai 4:2), rising in His might (Judg 5:31). The True Church gets its light from Christ, just like a woman clothed with the sun (Rev 12:1). In the Kingdom of their Father, the righteous will shine like the sun (Mt 13:43).

4.        Terrible as an army with banners

True believers who shun evils are just like the Israelites who had left Egypt. They are the army of God (Ex 12:41), a lively army (Ezek 37:19) and good soldiers of Christ (II Tim 2:3). The banners are unfurled because the love of Christ controls us (II Cor 5:14-15). We struggle forward to what lies ahead (Phil 1:21).


The bridegroom is concerned over His wife's work (6:11-12).


He went down to the nut orchard to see whether the crops had grown.

The fruit trees in the garden v were the fruits of the bride's labour. The bridegroom was concerned over his wife's work. He went to see for himself whether she had achieved anything or needed any help. The Lord Jesus takes good care of and also concerned with the church work. He sends down His Comforter so as to help develop the holy work. The nut, with its tough and thick shell consists of delicious flesh which is a delicacy and full of nourishment. Though the unosteritatiousness of the true believers are despised by man, we possess the flowers bear fruits, blooming and be satisfied.

Living bread which came down from heaven

If we eat of this bread, our spiritual life wi11 live forever (Jn 6:51). The vines of the pomegranates are the fruits in the garden. After the have bloomed, the trees will naturally Likewise church work should keep on bear fruits so that our Lord Jesus will


Having inspected the garden, the bridegroom feels that his bride is not only beautiful but also hardworking. He is glad that he is able to see things in one accord with his loving wife. This indicates that the couple has gone away together happily in the chariot.


Shularamite is called to return by those daughters who have seen the couple leaving in the chariot (6:13).


Having seen the couple leave, it is possible that those daughters are blaming Shul&mmite for deserting them. They want her to return so that they can look at her again. The worldly believers will always interfere if they see us going for the truth hoping that we will go back to their company. But how can we be separated from the love of our Lord Jesus (Rom 8:35-39) and shrink back to destruction? (Heb 10:39).


The bridegroom in his chariot gives his reply to the daughters saying that they should not look upon Shularamite as upon a dance before Mahanaim. Mahanaim were the angels of God whom Jacob met. Jacob called thea God's army and named the place where they met as Mahanaim. Mahanaira means two armies. A dance before Mahanaim may mean two people dancing together after which they go on their own way and have no more relationship. However, Shulasfiraite and her husband have already been united as one and they cannot be separated to be seen apart. The actual reply given by the bridegroom should be: "Sorry, we cannot be separated. Don't stop us from acting in one accord." Christ is the Head of the Church, and the Church is His body (Eph 1:22-23). This is just like a couple who has become one and cannot be separated (Eph 5:31-32) .


This chapter portrays the passionate love between husband and wife. They delight in each other and are contented that they form an ideal pair. The shepherd refers his wife as to a queenly maiden. This is to show how important she is in his heart.

7. 1

The bridegroom compliments his wife's perfection. The ten areas of her beauty complimented indicate that the True Church is perfect.  

1.        How graceful are your feet in sandals (7:la) :

Feet are used to support the whole body.   They are also the foundation of our faith.   Feet are also used for walking and indeed beautiful are the feet of preachers who bring good tidings (Is 52:7). Shoes represent the equipment of the gospel of peace (Eph 6:15), When the feet are in the shoes, both reach a certain place together, it means that wherever the preachers go, there the gospel of peace will be also. The workers of the True Church are willing to sacrifice themselves in the spreading of the gospel in order to save souls (II Cor 12:14-15). How beautiful are their feet!

2.        Your rounded thighs are like jewels (7:lb) :

The thighs are connected to the waist where the force of moving forward starts. The elders, deacons and other church workers are the moving force in the church organisation. The rounded thighs are like jewels, the work of a master hand. The True God is the master hand who moulds all church workers so that they will work harmoniously and be firm in their determination to be of suitable use to the Lord Jesus. Though jewels are tough, it is the master hand who grind them into smoothness to show off their perfect ion.

3.        The beauty of the navel (7:2a) :

It is like a healthy sign to have a navel as round as a bowl. It never lacks mixed wine means filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit. There is more joy in the heart of the true believers than the wine abound (Ps 4:7). Her navel is like the cup which overflows (Ps 23:5). When the worldly people see God's children being filled with the Holy Spirit, they will also think that the members are filled with new wine (Acts 2:13).

4.        The beauty of the belly (7:2b) :

Your belly is a heap of wheat, encircled with lilies means that in the True Church, there is an abundance of spiritual food (the wheat) and good spiritual nurture (1ilies).

5.        The beauty of the breasts (7:3) :

Their resemblance to two fawns refers to our faith and love (I Thess 5:8). It can also refer to the preachers who supply spiritual milk to enable the members to grow up spiritually.

6.        The beauty of the neck (7:4a) :

Its beauty is like an ivory tower. Things made from ivory are tough and smooth. Tower means exaltedness. This indicates that the True Church has strong and exalted faith, joining together with Christ, the Head.

7.        The" beauty of the eyes (7:4b) :

They are like pools in Heshbon by the gate of Bathrabbira. Heshbon was originally in the east of River Jordan and was a capital city where the king of the Amorites stayed. Bathrabblm was the gate of one of the busy streets. Beside the gate, there was a pond. Though many people passed by the pond, the water in it remained clear, calm and undisturbed. This means that the eyes of true believers are not tempted by the prosperity and vain glory of the world. Their serene look is only aimed at the gracious Lord (Heb 12:2). The spiritual man judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one (I Cor 2:15). How beautiful are those eyes!

8.        The beauty of the nose (7:4c) :

Your nose is like a tower of Lebanon, overlooking Damascus. The tower mentioned was very high and the watchman on top could look at the attackers from all directions. The workers in the Church are watchmen of the Church. They are like the nose which can differentiate good and bad smells. The workers of God know the difference between good and evil and they shall guide and warn the people to shun evil (Ezek 3:17).

9.        The beauty of the head (7:5a) :

Its beauty is like Mount Carmel. This mountain was the highest in Canaan. God had sent down spiritual fire and gracious rain on this mountain. This is the place where prophet Elijah overcame the false prophets in the presence of the people to glorify God (I Kl 18:36-45). Christ is the Head of the True Church and He Is looked up to and glorified by all men.

10.     The beauty of the hair (7:5b) :

The flowing locks are purple; a king is held captive in the tresses. If a woman has long hair it is, her pride (I Cor 11:15) and a sign of submission (I Cor 11:10). The flowing locks are like purple is a sign of royalty and health, the hair is let down to show that one is submissive to God (Eph 5:24), as humble and gentle as our Lord Jesus (Mt 11:29). Therefore, the king is totally attracted by her virtues and loves her wholeheartedly.


His further praise of the beloved wife. The bridegroom has yet to finish praising his perfect wife. He now uses different methods to praise her,

1.        The body is stately as a palm tree (7:7.a) :

The trunk of a palm tree is erect and grows upward. This shows that the faith of the believers is growing. They do not set their minds on earthly things (Phil 3:19) but on things that are above (Col 3:1-2). The uprightness of the trunk of a palm tree also refers to the behaviour of believers. Their prayers will be heard by God (Prov 15:8). The righteous flourish like the palm tree, planted in the house of the Lord (Ps 92:12-13).

2.        The  breasts are like clusters of the vine  (7:7b-7:8a) :

The fruits of the palm tree are many, just like clusters of the vine. The Lord Jesus is the true vine, the believers are the branches, bearing grapes that sustain those who are weak spiritually (Jn 15:1; Song 2:5).

3.        And the scent of your breath like apples (7:8a) :

The bride’s fragrance is as sweet as apples because she always eats of the apples given by her beloved. Apples are well known as the fruit of love.   We are nurtured by the love of the Lord Jesus and naturally we show our love to God and man.  We know Christ and that is why we have that fragrance (II Cor 2:14).

4.        And your kisses like the best wine (7:9) :

The words spoken by preachers are sweet as well as powerful, just like the best wine. They not only gladden the heart of men (Ps 104:15), but also bandage up wounds of others (Lk 10:34).


The bride loves her beloved wholeheartedly (7:10-13):


The bride confesses her love by saying, "I am my beloved's and his desire is for me".  This is the third time that she speaks of her love towards him. However this is a great improvement over the two previous ones and has reached its peak. She is no longer self-centred nor thinks herself equal to her beloved. The focus is now on her beloved. True believers should be like her in loving the Lord Jesus. We must do all things according to His will and be submissive to Him always, just as the Lord Jesus was submissive to the Heavenly Father. The outstanding point in the Song of Solomon is that its meaning gradually increases in its depth. This helps to uplift the standard of our spiritual nurture.


Formerly the bride was lazy and had to be encouraged or urged by her beloved to wake up or to go out together. However, she has now realized her weaknesses and has volunteered to work hand in hand with her beloved in the fields. She is even prepared to strive hard and remain in the villages with her husband. The field is the world (Mt 13:38). Our job is to go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation (Mk 16:15), reap the harvest and gather fruit for eternal life (Jn 4:35-36). We are fellow workers for God (I Cor 3:9) arid how comforting it is to be so. To stay in a village is to have a serene and peaceful life. It is much better than the life in town where excitement, power struggles, cheating, hatred and other evil prevail.


At dawn, the couple goes out to the vineyards to see whether the vines have budded. The bride shows her love by working in the fields. The vineyard is the house of Israel (Is 5:7), signifying the house of the True God, the Church of the living God (I Tim 3:15). We must with the Lord Jesus look after each member's faith and love in the household of God so that they will bloom and bear fruits. We must frequently water (I Cor 3:6) or dig about it and add manure (Lk 13:3). We warn every man and teach every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man mature in Christ (Col 1:58-29). To give love to her beloved in the fields signifies that we toil for our Lord Jesus in this world to repay His great love for us.


Mandrakes are wild fruits of Canaan and are a love stimulant (ref Gen 30:14). The mandrakes give forth fragrance means that she is displaying desire for her beloved. Over our doors means the inside of a room. The bride has prepared all choice fruits for her beloved to enjoy. The new and old fruits of the Holy Spirit borne within the Church are for our Lord Jesus to appreciate. Here it describes how the bride uses her energy for the needs of her beloved by working wholeheartedly. It signifies how the Church strives for the glory of God.


This chapter uses the unity of a couple to illustrate the close relationship between Christ and His Church. Nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Eph 5:31-32; Rom 8:35-39).


The love of the couple is already a fact and no one is going to disturb or despise it (8:1-4).


The bride treats her husband like her own brother that was nursed at her mother's breast. There may be no tie of consanguinity between husband and wife, but the power of love and the co-ordinated life have enabled the couple to have close affinity. They are prepared to live and die together. That is why the bride treats her husband like her own brother. The relationship between the Lord Jesus and His disciples was the same. He addressed them as His brethren (Jn 20:17; Mt 12:49-50). If she meets her husband outside and kisses him, none would despise her. "Outside" refers to the place outside the Church and kissing is a sign of love. We must be brave in acknowledging Jesus as our Saviour by showing off our love for Christ in front of the unbelievers. Whoever denies Jesus before men, He also will deny them before His Father who is in Heaven (Mt 10:32-33). If that happens, it is a real shame to us.


She leads her husband into the house of his mother and into the chamber of her that conceived the bride. The bride would also give her beloved the spiced wine to drink.  The house of her mother is the Church. We go into the House of God together with the Spirit of the Lord Jesus to listen to His teachings, His truth and to get the good portion out of them (Lk 10:39-42). The juice of the pomegranates is savoury and hence it tends to gladden the heart of man (Ps 104:15). Therefore, this is used to signify that we make it our aim to please Him (II Cor 5:9).


Indicating the Lord Jesus' protection and concern towards us.


The intense love between the Lord Jesus and the Church will not be meddled with by the worldly people.


The bride depends totally on her beloved and gets great concern in return (8:5).


Those daughters witness the bride coming up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved. The wilderness is this troubled world. When we are weak spiritually, it is difficult for us to move forward in this world. It is only by trusting fully in the power and gracious love of our Lord Jesus that we are able to run with perseverance the race that is set before us (Heb 12:1). If we want to enter the Kingdom of God, these tribulations are inevitable '(Act 14:22). Our flesh is weak at tines (Mt 26:41) and if we were to depend on our own wisdom, we are deemed to fall (Zech 4:6). We must always trust in the Lord with all our heart (Prov 3:5-6) to walk through the wilderness.


The beloved is concerned and so he gently exhorts his wife to be on the alert while living in peace. The bride eats to her heart's content the delicious fruits under the apple tree until she is sleeping soundly. Is it not dangerous should there foe wild animals or evil men passing by? The beloved is concerned over the safety of his loved one and so he wakes her up gently, He exhorts her to treasure her body and life for the sake of the loving mother who toils to bring her up, the preachers in the Church have undergone difficulties to bear us in accordance to the Holy Spirit and the truth. They are the ones who toil to bring us up so that they may present us mature in Christ (Col 1:28-29). If we do not awaken and desert the truth for the sake of temporary happiness, then we will land ourselves in a very dangerous position. We may even lose our spiritual life and be in total darkness. What a pity it would be if that happens! The Lord Jesus knows the weaknesses of man and so He comes to save us, to rescue us from trials (II Pet 2:9). He is able to save us forever (Heb 7:25) and love us to the end (Jn 13:1). We lose our alertness not solely because of the prosperity and vain glory of the world. We can be caught unguarded even though we are under the grace of our Lord Jesus (under the apple tree). The most conspicuous example is that of prophet Elijah. After defeating the 450 false prophets, Elijah asked that he might die and then slept under a broom tree. Later an angel was sent by God to wake him up. Only then did he become strong again and walked the long journey to Horeb, the mount of God (I Ki 19:48). There is an old saying stating that victory may make a person lose his sense. When a person is contented, he ought to be more careful.


Love is like a seal and is priceless (8:6-8).


The bride asks her beloved not to forget her but instead make her like a signet ring and engrave her on his arm (Hag 2:23; Is 49:16). This is what we call Love which is as strong as seal. We too ask the Lord Jesus not to forget us. The Lord Jesus has already answered our prayer by giving us His Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee (II Cor 1:22; Eph 1:13).


Love is as strong as death, jealousy is cruel as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire. True love has always been described as love till the end. It is as strong as death and is unchangeable. In fact love has overcome death. For the sake of the people in this world, the Lord Jesus died for us (Rom 5:6-9). This clearly shows that love is even stronger than death. The opposite of love is jealousy. Jealousy may arise from profound love and it is as cruel as the grave. There are men and women in this world who risk their lives because of jealousy, though the Church is on the right path, and there are people entering the door of grace, we are duty bound to protect that door further. We make use of the love of Christ and the truth to help in its development. We enclose it with boards of cedar so that those who enter the door will all enjoy the fragrance of Christ. The flashes of love are flashes of fire. The love of God is like fire and His steadfast love endures forever (Ps 136:1).


We extend our love to others as well (8:8-10)


The bride has a younger sister who is not grown up yet and so needs to be taken cared of.  The sister of the bride is also that of her beloved. That is why the word "we" is being used. She has no breasts indicates that her sister is still young and needs them to look after her. The little sister will grow up and a day will come when she is mature enough to be married off.  If there are Church members who are still young spiritually, we must try our best to help them so that they will become healthy members. We must also help those churches and prayer houses which are not yet properly organised. Paul said: "Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is Bade to fall, and I am not indignant?" (II Cor 11:29). We must bear one another's burden (Gal 6:2) and we who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak (Rom 1:1). The little sister with no breasts refers to the members whose fundamental faith and love are still weak. They need more spiritual food and nourishment to enable them to grow up spiritually healthy.


If she is a wall, we will build upon her a battlement of si1ver. Walls are built before other top portions. With walls already erected, the builders can concentrate on building the inner sections. The new believers of Christ and the newly formed churches are cut off from outside interference, and so they can concentrate on building up their faith or on doing church work. All of us should help them build a battlement of silver a pure and holy spiritual house (I Pet 2:5; Eph 2:20-21) .


But if the little sister is a door, we will enclose her with boards of cedar. The little sister has improved. There is not only wall but a door as well. This shows that the building has been completed. The Church has improved and gradually there are outsiders who come to the Church to listen to the truth and seek salvation. When Jacob was in the wilderness, he saw a vision. There was a ladder set; up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. Who plants a vineyard without eating any of its fruits? (I Cor 9:7). It is a necessity for the Church to set aside part cf its Income to cater for the need of the preachers. How capable and shrewd the bride is in managing her vineyard!


I was a wall, and my breasts were like towers; then I was in his eyes as one who brings peace. The "I" here refers to the bride because her breasts were like towers. The "I" here definitely does not refer to the little sister. The breasts of the bride signify faith and love. That is the faith and love of the Church are as firm as towers. Since the breasts are fully grown, there is enough milk in them. This is referring to the plentiful supply of spiritual food. The bride has now grown into a strong woman and her beloved feels that she is no more as weak as before. He feels at ease and in his eyes, the bride looks like one who brings peace. Lord Jesus also feels at ease when He sees the Church prospering. He knows that the peace that He has given the Church will not be taken away by others.


The couple looks after the gardens together (8:11-13).


Since the couple has become one body, it is only logical that the husband and wife also share and manage the property together. King Solomon refers to Christ as the beloved. Baalhamon means a productive place. It signifies a place where many people will be saved. The vineyard refers to the Church of God. The keepers are the preachers and those who look after the Church. A thousand pieces of silver signifies an abundance of spiritual gifts. (A piece of silver weigh about 1/2 oz. and it was the unit of measurement of the Jews while weighing silver). 1,000 - 10X10X10 which is a multiple of a perfect number. This means "plentiful". In the Church of Christ Jesus, there will be many who are called and the productivity will also be great. Lord Jesus gives those preachers who are preaching the gospel various gifts in great abundance. He gives them wisdom, power, eloquence and the ability to perform miracles so that the Church of God will prosper.


The vineyard does not belong to the beloved alone, it also belongs to the bride herself. She has considered both of them no longer two but one (Mt 19:5). The property of her husband is hers as well. The result of their meaning the vineyard together is a great profit of 1,200 pieces of silver. That is to say with the investment of 1,000 pieces of silver, they gain 1,200 pieces of silver in return.  However, she hands in all the 1,000 pieces of silver to her husband while giving the balance of 200 to the keepers as reward. The glory of the Church must be given to Christ without reservations. In the the mean time, those preachers who toil for the Church deserve their reward as well (I Tim 5:17). They offer their body to serve God and so those who proclaim the gospel should get their living from the gospel (I Cor 9:14).


The sighing of the beloved: O you who dwell in the gardens ray companions are listening for your voice; let let hear it. Here it reflects how the bride is willing to stay put in the vineyard and work hand in hand with other companions. She wants to live in the vineyard so that she can devote all her time and energy in looking after the vineyard. This signifies those preachers who have offered themselves to work for Christ and will stand firm in. their place. The voice of the bride can be heard by her companions while she is teaching them. Besides, her beloved who goes to inspect the vineyard often also hears her voice. This signifies that whether the preachers are delivering sermons, giving testimonies, exhorting people, or instructing people, their voice fills the Church and can be heard by fellow workers. Even Christ hears It. From here we know that we have to be very careful with our speech. Whatever we speak, it must be the will of God because words that are spoken have effect on the Church work. The prayers and praises sung by preachers will also be heard by our Lord Jesus (Ps 56:19-20). The Lord Jesus will also heed and hear their discussion (Hal 3:16)


Longing for the beloved to come (8:14).


Make haste, my beloved, and be like a gazelle or a young stag upon the mountains of spices. Gazelle and young stag symbolizes swiftness. The mountains of spices is the Church filled with the fragrance of Christ. In the Church are many saints who labour to serve God and theirs is the offering of fragrance. The True Church in the last days is hoping for His Second Coming. The Lord Jesus has promised us that He will be coming soon (Rev 22:20).



It requires wisdom in reading the Song of Solomon. We pray to God to ask Him to give us the Spirit of Wisdom and of Revelation so that with the eyes of our hearts enlightened, we will come to know His grace (Eph 1:17-19).

Publisher: True Jesus Church