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Servant of the Lord

Servant of the Lord

Scriptures: Chapters Is 42, 49, 50, 52, 53; Zech 9, 11-13; I Pet 2; Ph 2; II Tim 2

I.       Definition of a Servant of the Lord

A.     Servant means:

1.        Household slave

2.        Minister

3.        Helper or assistant

4.        Hired laborer

5.        Steward (Gen 24:2)

6.        Soldier (Jer 52:8; II Tim 2:4)

7.        Officer (I Sam 8:14)

8.        Vassal king (II Kg 17:3)

B.     People chosen by God (Is 42:1; 49:1; Jn 15:6; Rm 9:21-24)

C.     One who is filled with the spirit of God (Is 42: 1; 61: 1; Act 6:3)

D.     And is purchased by the Lord with the highest price--His blood (Ex 12:44; Act 20:28; I Cor 6:20; 7:23; Rev 5:9; 14:3-4)

1.        No longer belongs to himself but entirely belongs to the Lord. Is the Lord's possession (Dt 4:20; Ps 33:12)

2.        The Lord owns the time, wealth, body, gift, strength, love, and life of his servant (Is 43:1; Jn 17:15-16; Rm 12:1)

E.     The servant of all servants (Mt 20:25-28; Jn 13:13-17; I Cor 9:19; II Cor 4:5)

F.      The righteous servant and the holy servant--the Lord Jesus (Is 53:11; Ac 4:27, 30)

II.    The Mission of the Servant of the Lord--to accomplish the entrustment of the Lord.

A.     To lead the rebellious people back to God – Pastoring (Is 49:5, 6; Lk 1:16, 17; Jn 21:15-17)

B.     Preach the salvation of the Lord to the end of the world - Evangelism (Is 49:5, 6; Lk 1:16, 17; Jn 21:15-17).

III. The Spirit, Character, and Spiritual Armor of the Lord's Servant

A.     Works in quietness (Is 42:2-3; I Thess 4:11)

B.     Humble, meek and gentle (Lk 17:10; Mt 11:29; Jn 1:23; Ac 4:25-26; I Tim 1:15)

C.     Hopes and relies upon the Lord in all things. (Ps 37:5; 71:56; 127:12; Ps 3:5)

D.     Responsible to the Lord, pleases the Lord, does everything for the Lord (Col 3:22-24; II Cor 5:9-10)

E.     Fears the Lord (Dt 4:10; 5:29; Heb 12:28). Completely submits to the Lord (Is 50:4-5; Jn 6:38-40; Lk 6:46). Is active and delights in observing the Lord's commandment. (Ps 40:8; 119:33)

F.      Diligent and responsible (Lk 17:7-10; Rom 12:11). Faithful unto death (Mt 24:45-51; 25:21-23; Lk 16:10; Rev 2:10; 17:14)

G.     Determines to suffer and be disgraced for the Lord's sake (Is 50:6; 52:14; 53:3, 8-10; I Thess 3:3; II Tim 3:12; I Pet 2:21-24; 4:1-2)

H.    Endures in all circumstances is not timid to accomplish the Lord's entrustment (Is 42:4; 17:6; 2:24-26; Heb 10:36; II Cor 12:12; Eph 4:2; Col 3:12)

I.       Lead an excellent example in everything. (Acts 20:35; I Tim 3:1-13; 4:12, 16)

J.      Holy and righteous servant. (I Thes 4:3-5, 7, 8; 5:23-24; I Jn 3:7)

K.    Full of the Lord's wisdom, power and gifts. (Is 51:1-2; 49:1-6; Jn 1:14, 16; Acts 10:38)

L.     Has strong love toward the Lord, the church and all people (Is 42:3; I Jn 3:16; 4:11-12; I Pet 1:8; Jn 13:34-35; I Thes 3:12)

IV.  The Roles of the Lord’s Servant

A.     The steward – faithfully perform duties. Body, wealth, children, gifts are entrusted by the Lord for us to care for. We will definitely be accountable to God in the final judgment (I Cor 4:1-2, II Tim 1:12; Lk 12:42)

B.     Farmer-- diligent, hard-working, laboring with patience awaiting upon the Lord (I Cor 3:6-7; Is 5:7-8)

C.     Soldier-- discipline, tribulation, must not be entangled b) the world, be pleasing to the master, restrained by the Words, fully armed with spiritual weapons, fights a beautiful fight (II Tim 2:3-4; Eph 6:10-19; I Tim 4:8; 6:12)

D.     Shepherd-- knows the sheep, walks before them, leads them to green pastures and still waters, gives them abundant life, sets an example for them, seeks the lost, heals the sick, cares and guards, lays down his life for them (Jn 10:3, 4, 10, 11, 13-15; Ps 23:1, 2; Eze 34:1-6, 15, 16; I Pet 5:2-4)

E.     Parent-loves, patient, self-sacrificing, guardian of souls (I Cor 4:13-15; II Cor 12:14, 15; I Thess 2:6-8, 11)

V.     The rewards and punishments of the Lord's Servant I

A.     “Unto whosoever much is given, unto him shall be much required” (Lk 12:48)

B.     We shall definitely render an account on the Day of Judgment (Heb 13:17; Mt 25:19; Lk 19:15)

C.     For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." (Mt 25:26-30; Lk 19:20-26)

D.     * We shall receive rewards according to our labors (I Cor 3:8; Mt 25:20-23; 34-40; Lk 19:16-18; II Tim 4:7, 8, 18)

VI.  The Servant of the Lord in All Generations

A.     Moses (Deut 34:5; Ma1 4:4: Rev 15:3) –

Meek, faithful, self-sacrificing, magnanimous, possessing tremendously the power of God, old servant serving the Lord until he departed from the world, praying servant of the Lord, the mend of God, and the man of God.

B.     Caleb (Josh 14:10-15) –

Became stronger, even at an advanced age, followed God with all his heart, consistent in faith

C.     David (II Kings 19:34; Eze 34:23; 37:24) –

Relied upon God all his life, regarded the Lord as his greatest delight, desired only the temple of God, willingly offered all his wealth to God, humbly repented with a contrite heart, faithful and courageous, sensitive conscience, repaid God's grace, writer of beautiful songs for Israel.

D.     Zerubabel (Haggai 2:23) –

Rebuilt the holy temple, listened to God and relied upon His spirit, steadfast and bold, helped and was pleased by the Lord

E.     Hezekiah (II Chron 32:16) –

Walked in God's word with a perfect heart, relied upon God in great tribulation, committed himself to God amid great peril of death

F.      Job (Job 42:8) –

Perfectly upright and departed from evil. Offered sacrifice every early morning, Loved the words of God more than his daily food, loved others as himself. Praise and thanked God in great tribulation. Understood God's will and patiently waited upon God with strong faith. God's intimate friend.

G.     Isaiah (Is 23) –

The prophet of the Messiah, the spirit of boldness, strong love towards his nation, gentle and merciful in heart, the message of salvation.

H.    Daniel (Dan 6:20) –

Made great determination to live a sanctified life. Prayed three times a day unceasingly, possessed an excellent spirit and rightness in heart, full of spiritual wisdom, humble and returned the glory to God, respected co-workers, greatly beloved, perfect in virtue and character, long-lasting faith and unceasing praying life.

I.       Paul (Rom 1:1; Phil 1:1) –

Repaid the love of the Lord, lived and died for the Lord, sacrificed everything for the sake of the Lord and the souls of the world. Gladly forbore suffering and affliction, man of great determination and full of gifts and power. The apostle of the Gentiles, a world evangelist, comprehended the profound mysteries of Christ, the fighter of faith, the most precious vessel, set an excellent example in everything, beautiful footsteps.

J.      Peter (II Pet 1:1) –

Full of power of the Holy Spirit and gifts. Humble in heart. A growing faith unto maturity. The pillar of the church. Suffered and died for the Lord.

K.    James (Jas 1:1)

A living faith, full of spiritual wisdom, a praying elder, a pillar of the church, bridled the tongue, perfect in spirituality.

L.     John (Rev 1:1) -

Loved the most by the Lord and loved the Lord the most. Total transformation in character, most intimate friend of Christ, understood Christ the most, and overcame his surroundings - Patmos Island. Shouldered great responsibility to take care of Mary, the mother of Jesus. A pillar of the church.

Publisher: True Jesus Church