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The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible

No book is ever as relevant to us as the Bible. As the inspired word of God, the Bible has always provided comfort for the discouraged, strength for the weak, and light for those in the darkness of doubt, suffering, and sin. Because many have read it, delved into it and lived by it, the Bible has long been a best seller. It has been translated, in part or in whole, into more than 1,200 languages. As many have already done, let us embrace the word of God and discover its authority and life-giving message.

A Book with Authority

Divine Origin

"All scripture is God-breathed" (2 Timothy ). With these words, the Bible asserts its authority as the word of God. Even though the 66 books of the Bible were penned by some 40 different authors over a span of about 2,000 years, the Bible maintains its harmony and unity. There are, miraculously, no doctrinal discrepancies or factual errors.


Through the ages, the Bible proves itself again and again by the fulfillment of its prophesies hundreds and even thousands of years after their proclamation. Despite deliberate efforts of Bible critics to challenge God's word, the Bible has stood the test of time. Even to this day, discoveries of historical and scientific facts continue to uphold the validity of the Bible.

Living Word

Nothing can be more convincing than having the word of God work wonders in our lives and guide our way to eternal life. To experience and reap the benefits of the word of God is in itself living proof that the Bible is indeed from God.

So the infallible word of God, the Bible "never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter ).

The Bible at Work


The Bible sheds light on our path and shows us the way God expects us to think, speak, and act. It gives us a set of values by which we find assurance and guidance regardless of where and how we are in our lives. By obeying the word of God, we discover the oasis of peace and joy amidst the desert of false values and entangling materialism.


The Bible is much more than a set of guidelines for passive observance. "For the Word of God is living and active... it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart" (Hebrews ). Like a mirror, the Bible reþects our true selves and discloses the vices that we do not see in ourselves. The word of God is able to transform our inner beings from inside out.


Most importantly, the Scriptures contain the wisdom of salvation through knowing Jesus Christ. The Bible reveals God's salvation plan and clearly shows us the way back to God. It directs our hope to an everlasting kingdom and teaches us how to prepare ourselves for that glorious inheritance. If we diligently search God's word and humbly put our trust in it, we will surely discover the truth that leads to eternal life.

The Bible and You

Read It

You may have heard a lot about the Bible or even have formed certain opinions about the Bible. But have you ever read the Bible yourself? There is no better way to find out what the Bible has to say than to actually turn its pages and study it. Although you may not understand every verse the first time around, at least you can appreciate how the Bible differs from all other books.

Think About It

Read the Bible with an open and prayerful mind. Let God's word speak to your heart. Meditate on what you have read. If you can't understand a particular passage or if there are issues that you find difficult to agree with, talk to our church members and ask them to share their knowledge with you. Better yet, seek God's guidance through prayer.

Do It

As you read, believe in God's word with a simple faith. Learn to apply it to your life and put it into practice. It is in doing that you come to fully experience the truthfulness of God's promises. The book that has changed the lives of millions can also change your life today.

What Is Covered in the Bible?


God's love for human beings culminating in the salvation of Jesus Christ


The Pentateuch (5*): Origin of all things; Early history of the chosen people­bondage, deliverance, pilgrimage; God's laws and ordinances concerning religion, morality, society, and cleanliness

Historical Books (12): Conquering of the Promised Land; Story of Ruth­an ancestress of David and Christ; Rise, fall, and captivity of the chosen nation

Poetic Books (5): Job's trial and his conversation with his friends and with God; Spiritual songs and poems; Wise sayings by Solomon and others; Poem depicting the mutual love between Christ and his church

Prophetic Books (17): Attestation to the dire state of Israel; Proclamation of God's judgment; Hope of future restoration


The Gospels (4): Four portraits of Jesus Christ; ­his birth, life, ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension

Historical Book (1): Origin and expansion of the early church

The Epistles (21): Apostolic letters to the churches and believers

The Apocalypse (1): Christ's words to the seven churches* Visions of the past, present, and future under the divine hand

* Numbers in parentheses refer to the number of books in the same category.

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Publisher: True Jesus Church