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 (Essential Biblical Doctrines)


Prayers can be likened to spiritual respiration for a Christian. Prayer maintains a Christian’s spiritual strength and improves spiritual
character. Thus, a life of prayer is vital in order to receive God’s power.


A.     To Praise the True God

1.        Because God gives all things to humanity (1 Chr 29:10–13; Ps 103:1, 2, 5).

2.        Because he heals all our diseases (Ps 103:3; Isa 38:9–20).

3.        Because he forgives all our iniquities (Ps 103:3; Rev 5:8–10).

4.        Because he extends his providential care to us every day (Ps 103:4, 121:7, 8).

5.        We praise him for his bountiful grace (Ps 103:1, 2; 1 Thess 5:18).

B.     To Have Spiritual Communion with God

1.        As the deer pants for streams of water, so should Christians long for God (Ps 42:1, 2).

2.        Christians who are fully filled with the Holy Spirit have reached a profound level of spiritual communication with God (Acts 10:9, 10; 1 Cor 14:2, 4; Jude 20).

3.        Communicate with the Lord through meditation (Ps 104:34).

4.        Meditate on all of God’s work (Ps 77:12).

5.        Meditate on the glorious splendor of God’s majesty (Ps 145:5).

6.        Meditate on God’s precepts  (Ps 119:15).

C.     To Make Our Requests Known to God

1.        Request that everyone hallow God’s holy name (Mt 6:9; 1 Tim 2:1–6).

2.        Request God to strengthen his work:

 a.      To choose more laborers (Mt 9:38).

 b.      To open the door for the word (Col 4:3).

 c.      To increase the number of God’s children (Isa 26:15).

3.        Request God to enhance the spirituality of his children

 a.      For oneself (Ps 19:12–14, 119:35–37).

 b.      For one’s children (1 Chr 29:19; Lk 23:28).

 c.      For God’s workers (1 Sam 12:23; Eph 6:18, 19).

4.        Request God to care for our everyday life

 a.      For our daily food (Prov 30:8, 9; Mt 6:11).

 b.      For our diseases to be healed (Jas 5:14–16; cf. 2 Chr 16:12).

 c.      For security and protection (Ezra 8:21–23; Acts 12:1–5).

 d.      In everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let all requests be made known to God (Phil 4:6).

D.     To Confess Our Sins Before God

1.        Simon the sorcerer requested Peter intercede, on his behalf, to God for the forgiveness of his transgression (Acts 8:20–24).

2.        Before requesting the Lord’s healing, you should confess your sins to one another, and also pray for one another (Jas 5:14–16).

3.        The Holy Spirit urges the churches everywhere to repent (Rev 2:4, 5, 3:2, 3, 15–19).

4.        The Lord will not hear the prayers and requests of those who do not confess their sins and repent (Ps 66:18; Isa 59:1–3).

II.    How To Pray

A.     In the Name of Jesus Christ

1.        “Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (Jn 14:13, 15:16).

2.        “Always and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father” (Eph 5:20; Col 3:17).

B.     To Whom Do We Pray

1.        The heavenly Father (Mt 6:9; Phil 4:6).

2.        The Savior Lord Jesus (Acts 7:59; 2 Cor 12:8, 9). The Lord Jesus is one with the Father (Isa 9:6; Jn 10:30). And when we make prayers to Jesus, we pray to the Father (1 Jn 2:23).

C.     Languages of Prayer

1.        Prayer with understanding—namely, prayer with intelligible words (cf. 1 Cor 14:15).

2.        Prayer in spiritual tongues—the mysterious, unknown tongue through the Holy Spirit’s movement (1 Cor 14:2, 4, 14, 15; Rom 8:26, 27).

3.        Prayer in spirit and meditation (Neh 2:4; Jn 4:24).

D.     Prayer Positions

1.        Kneeling (Lk 22:41; Acts 20:36).

2.        Prostrate (Num 16:22; Rev 4:9, 10).

3.        Standing (Ps 135:2; Mk 11:25).

E.     Prayer Times

1.        In the morning (Ps 5:3; Mk 1:35).

2.        At noon (Ps 55:17; Acts 10:9).

3.        At night (Ps 77:2; Lk 6:12).

4.        Before work (Prov 3:5, 6; Mt 4:1).

5.        After work (Mt 14:13, 23; Jn 6:15).

6.        During the busy hours (Mk 6:31; Lk 5:15, 16).

7.        Before meals (Mt 14:19; Acts 27:35).

8.        Before death (Lk 23:46; Acts 7:59).

9.        Constantly (Ps 71:8; Dan 6:10; 1 Thess 5:17).

F.      Places of Prayer

1.        In the house of God (Mt 21:13; Acts 3:1).

2.        In one’s secret chamber (Mt 6:6; Acts 9:40).

3.        In the field or on the mountain (Lk 5:16, 9:28).

4.        Everywhere (Jn 4:21–23; 1 Tim 2:8).

III. The Effects Of Prayers

A.     Prayer’s Effect on Nature

1.        In answer to Moses’ prayers, God divided the Red Sea (Ex 14:15, 16).

2.        In answer to Joshua’s prayers, God made the sun and the moon stand still (Josh 10:12–14).

3.        In answer to Elijah’s prayers, God ceased the rain for three years and six months (1 Kgs 18:37–45; Jas 5:17, 18).

B.     Prayer’s Effect on People

1.        Diseases can be cured

 a.      Because of Hezekiah’s sober request, God added fifteen years to his life (Isa 38:1–8).

 b.      The blind Bartimaeus received his sight by the Lord Jesus through his earnest petition (Mk 10:46–52).

 c.      Paul prayed for the father of Publius whose sickness was eventually healed by God (Acts 28:7–9).

2.        Exorcism

 a.      Because of the great faith of the Canaanite woman, Jesus cast the devil out of her daughter (Mt 15:21–28).

 b.      Jesus cast the dumb spirit out of a child (Mk 9:17–29).

 c.      Paul cast the devil out of a girl in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 16:16–18).

3.        The dead can be raised

 a.      Elijah prayed to God and raised the dead son of the widow at Zarephath to life (1 Kgs 17:17–24).

 b.      Elisha prayed to God and raised the Shunammite’s dead son to life (2 Kgs 4:18–37).

 c.      Peter prayed to God and raised Tabitha to life (Acts 9:36–42).

C.     Prayer’s Effect on Other Things

1.        Ezra fasted and beseeched God to allow the safe return of the Israelites to Palestine (Ezra 7:8, 9, 8:21, 23).

2.        Through the unceasing and earnest prayers of the early church, Peter was rescued out of the prison (Acts 12:1–10).

3.        The Lord Jesus prayed for Peter so that his faith might not fail (Lk 22:31–34, 60–62).

4.        Through one’s fervent and incessant prayers for the fullness of the Holy Spirit, one can overcome one’s fleshly desires and the devil’s temptations (Rom 8:13; Phil 4:13).

IV.  Elements Of Effective Prayers

A.     Faith (Mt 21:22)

1.        Believe in God and that he rewards those who diligently seek him (Heb 11:6).

2.        Believe in the power of the Almighty God. The woman with hemorrhage for twelve years was cured through her faith (Mk 5:25–34).

3.        Believe that God will fulfill his promises (Rom 4:20, 21).

4.        The cripple at Lystra was cured because of his faith (Acts 14:8–10).

B.     Sincerity (Jn 4:24)

1.        Pray out of a sincere faith (2 Tim 1:3–5).

2.        Prayers should be made in truth and in spirit. Do not make long prayers out of pretense or impure motives (Mt 6:5, 6; Mk 12:40).

3.        Do not let your fasting be known to others, but pray to God in order to subdue the flesh (Mt 6:16–18).

4.        God extends his powerful hand to help those who are blameless and truthful to him (2 Chr 16:9; Ps 145:18, 19).

C.     Humility (Jas 4:6)

1.        Humble yourself, and know that you are unworthy to request anything from God (1 Chr 29:13, 14; Ps 142:3).

2.        Know your weaknesses, and do not pray with arrogance (Lk 18:9–14).

3.        Manasseh humbled himself in his affliction and prayed to God, and God restored his throne (2 Chr 33:10–13).

4.        ‑God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble (Jas 4:6; 1 Pet 5:5).

D.     Love (1 Jn 3:22, 23)

1.        Those who practice love and make peace with others will receive the efficacy of prayers (Mt 5:23, 24, 18:35).

2.        God grants the request of those who take care of the poor and the needy (Ps 41:1; Prov 21:13).

3.        The prayers of love offered by the believers made Dorcas come to life (Acts 9:36–41).

4.        Love exists in the form of harmony. Prayers of one heart will be accepted by the Lord (Ex 17:8–13; Mt 18:19; Acts 1:14; Jas 1:6–8).

E.     Righteousness (Jas 5:16)

1.        God is delighted with the prayer of the righteous (Prov 15:8, 29).

2.        The eyes of God are upon the righteous, and his ears are inclined to their cry (Ps 34:15).

3.        God does not hear the prayers of sinners (Prov 28:9; Jn 9:31).

4.        God will fulfill the desire of those who abide by his words (Zech 7:13; Jn 15:7).

F.      Pray With a Steadfast Heart (Rom 12:12)

1.        Importunity (Lk 11:8; Rom 15:30–32).

2.        Elijah prayed continuously for the rain (1 Kgs 18:42–45).

3.        Those who pray with importunity, in God’s will, receive their requests (Lk 18:1–8; Jas 4:3).

4.        In the days of his flesh, the Lord Jesus offered prayers and supplications with strong cries and tears in the Garden of Gethsemane (Heb 5:7).

V.     Fasting Prayer

A.     To Receive Power from Above

1.        The Lord Jesus fasted forty days and forty nights before his ministry (Mt 4:1, 2).

2.        The apostles fasted and prayed with one accord before sending out sacred workers (Acts 13:1–3).

3.        Healing and casting out the devil should be carried out through fasting and prayers (Mt 17:19–21).

B.     To Request God’s Help

1.        Ezra fasted and prayed for God’s protection (Ezra 8:21–23).

2.        Esther fasted for three days and nights before she ran the risk of seeing the king (Est 4:16).

3.        Nehemiah fasted and prayed before God to request his merciful grace (Neh 1:4–11).

C.     To Understand the Truth

1.        Daniel fasted for the revelation of the things to come (Dan 10:2–12).

2.        Moses fasted for forty days and forty nights on Mount Sinai before he received the Ten Commandments of God (Ex 34:27, 28).

3.        The apostles fasted for God’s revelation of the right path to follow (Acts 13:1, 2).

D.     To Confess, Repent, and Request Forgiveness of Sins

1.        The people of Nineveh fasted and repented, and so God forgave them (Jon 3:5–10).

2.        The Israelites fasted, confessed their sins, and turned to God (1 Sam 7:3–6).

3.        The Israelites fasted and confessed their sins for God’s mercy (Neh 9:1–4).

E.     Things to Remember When Fasting

1.        Do not intentionally let others know that you are fasting (Mt 6:16–18).

2.        We do not fast for profit, nor for evil doings (Isa 58:3–5).

3.        Fasting is for doing good works and for helping the poor (Isa 58:6–9).

4.        Fasting is for offering up prayers with totality of mind and spirit; therefore one ought to constantly pray to God when one fasts (Ps 62:8; Dan 10:12; Acts 13:3).

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