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Items related to "
Renewal of the Holy Spirit (1)
", 42 total items found
Didn't Jesus clearly instruct His disciples to baptize "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" in Matthew 28:19?
Discovering God's Living Spirit
I was startled awake at four o'clock one morning when the phone rang. When I picked up the receiver, I heard Vuthy crying emotionally. I asked him what was the matter, but he could not stop crying, and my heart sank because I thought it was something seri
Worship God in Spirit and in Truth
These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men. —Matthew 15:8-9
Transformed By The Spirit
Have you ever felt lost and out of control in your life? Listen to the voice of God and seek after His Holy Spirit. For it will empower you to overcome sin and renew your faith in Him.
Praying in the Spirit
The simplicity of prayer has been compared to that of breathing. Such an effortless and imperative activity, but why do we find it so arduous to practice?
How The Spirit Guides Us Into All Truths
We cannot have God’s spirit without His scriptures, and we cannot fully understand His words without His spirit. One without the other would affect our relationship with God.
The Spirit of Truth or the Spirit of Error?
The apostle John warned us that the spirit of error, the very same spirit of the Antichrist, can be found right among us. What can we do to identify and protect ourselves from this destructive power?
The Holy Work in Calgary: A Personal Perspective
One Spirit
Faced with the diverse claims and spiritual experiences in Christendom today, how do we discern the presence of the Holy Spirit? Look at the criteria given in the bible and the apostolic precedence.
Didn't the disciples in Troas worship and have Holy Communion with Paul on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7)?
True Jesus Church
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