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Items related to "
Christology (The Doctrine of Christ)
", 18 total items found
Isn't Christ the end of the law? Why should Christians today still observe the law by keeping the Sabbath?
I was baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Why must I be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ?
Haven't believers preached the coming of Christ and the end of the world for 2,000 years? Why hasn't it happened yet?
If Christ removed the law by nailing it to the cross (Col 2:14), then why do believers still need to keep that Sabbath?
The Bible states that our sins are washed away by the blood of Christ (Revelation 1:5). How can the water during baptism actually remove a person's sins?
Isn't the Old Testament Sabbath Day only a picture of the rest that a person enters when he places his faith in Christ and ceases from his own works (see Heb 4:9-11)?
Aren't we saved the moment we believe and confess Christ (Romans 10:9-10; Ephesians 1:13)? Sacraments are only symbolic of the salvation we have already received. They do not have any saving effect.
Is sprinkling a form of baptism? God promised in Ezekiel 36:25 that He would sprinkle on His people to make them clean. 1 Peter 1:2 states that believers have been sprinkled by the blood of Jesus Christ. The author of Hebrews also confirms that our hearts
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