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Devotionals, 317 total items found
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A Lowly Heart     By Sarah Lin        
Sometimes we may find ourselves concerned with matters beyond us and then feel dejected when we are not able to comprehend God's will. In such instances, how can we remind ourselves to have a lowly heart?

Let Patience Have Its Perfect Work     By Sarah Lin        
Nowadays, people are often impatient and want to see results immediately. But what does the book of James teach us about patience in suffering?

Peace like a River     By Sarah Lin        
This devotional seeks to answer two fundamental questions about the peace of God: Why is this peace able to transcend all understanding? And how can we receive this peace?

The Gospel Shoes     By Sarah Lin        
Do we feel as comfortable sharing the gospel with others as wearing our most comfortable shoes?

Sluggishness in the Long Race     By Sarah Lin        
The caveat about being sluggish is that we may not even be aware of it. Worse yet, we can continue to worship and serve God on the outside, but completely lack zeal and diligence within our hearts.

Productivity     By Sarah Lin        
In Christian living, productivity is not measured in quantities or outcomes as in the workplace.

Earthly Possessions     By Shuhong Lin        
The struggle over what to do with our possessions when we move gives us a foretaste of what it is like to leave earth one day.

A Good Appetite for God’s Words     By Shuhong Lin        
As with the ingestion of physical food, we know that there are ways to spoil our appetites.

Peace in God     By Shuhong Lin        
In our worship, are we like that of a nursing baby or that of a baby weaned?

Service to God     By Shuhong Lin        
What does it mean to offer our services to God? When we talk about serving God today, what comes to mind are what we do in church and for the church. Actually, serving God entails much more.

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