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Three Thoughts on Spiritual Growth        
Raising children in the way of the Lord is challenging. These parents show you how.

The Internet Ministry Program: Pioneering A Virtual Ministry        

Our Children and Discrimination        
How should we respond if our children come to us with teary eyes, telling us how others have made fun of them for being different in some way?

A Mother's Place: At Home or At Work?        
"Did I go to school all those years just to be buried in endless dishes, dirty laundry, diapers, and other household chores?" A stay-at-home mom struggles with her decision and learns how to glorify God through her role.

The command to love your neighbors as yourself is mentioned several times in the Bible, but is there a positive command to love yourself?

Enduring in Hope        
How do you cope when you are feeling downhearted, or even in despair? Learn how figures in the Bible endured tribulation.

A Child-Like Heart        
Has pursuing after the world led you astray from the Lord? If you are going through some difficult trials, how do you fill the emptiness in your heart? The Lord Jesus is asking you to return to Him and find true peace and joy. What is your answer to Him?

Thoughts on Ecclesiastes        
There are underachievers and there are overachievers, but we should prayerfully reflect, "Are we right achievers or wrong achievers?"

Six Habits of Really Effective Christians (Part 2)        
The moment you start doing work that involves dealing with other people, you'll have many opportunities to start making enemies. But how do we as Christians turn these situations around?

Misleading Signs, Foolish Wisdom        
"For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom," Apostle Paul wrote. Today, these two attitudes of disbelief still prevail. Why are they so dangerous?

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