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Devotionals, 317 total items found
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Little Drops of Water     By Sam Kuo        
He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. (Lk 16:10) In our life of faith, in our service to God, and in all that we do, are we progressing each day, starting from the little things?

Thanksgiving in Prayers     By Sarah Lin        
For many of us, prayers consist of a shopping list of things we want the Lord to accomplish for us. But, asking without thanksgiving only leads to an unhealthy relationship, a flawed spiritual state.

A Greater Blessing     By Shuhong Lin        
We are always reminded to give thanks. Thanksgiving have become synonymous with counting the material, earthly blessings which ultimately are temporary. Have we forgotten the most important blessing to give thanks for, and to hold on to?

Spiritual Blind Spots     By Brooke Cheng        
Are you feeling content with your state of spirituality? Are you thinking that all is well with your faith and walk with God? Maybe you need to re-consider and check out for any spiritual blind spots!

Offense is the Best Defense     By Hain-Lee Hsueh        
It is human tendency to want to feel settled. In our spiritual walk however, to sit back and relax in complacency will not get us closer to God. We need to actively seek out the weaknesses inside of ourselves and engage in perpetual battle to improve ourselves.

When God Does Not Answer        
Why do our prayers go unanswered? Is God trying our patience? Or perhaps we are found lacking in His eyes. When we pray, we need to first examine ourselves before we expect God to act upon our requests.

The Love behind a Single Strand of Hair     By Zion Delight        
One strand of hair reveals God’s immense, immeasurable love for us. “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” God does not only count our hair, He also protects them: “But not a hair of your head shall be lost.”

Ups and Downs... Angels and Bread     By Yvonne Bong        
Have we had thoughts that we’re the only ones truly zealous for God? Do we feel lonely in our service to Him? Elijah had a similar experience. Let’s revisit this age-old story and re-examine our attitudes in service.

Be Still and Patient     By Sarah Lin        
It’s easy to talk about being still and patient until we are actually under pressure. How can we maintain our trust in God when things are not going well? God wants to make us mature and complete, not to keep us from all pain. Instead of complaining about our struggles, we should see them as opportunities for growth.

Builder to Builder     By Lois Kuo        
Servitude without cultivation is spiritual suicide, and the longer we serve, the more vulnerable we are to attack. Remember that we cultivate ourselves for our own protection, as well as for those who depend on our work.

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