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Why We Can and Should Baptize Our Infants     By Samuel Kuo        
God's promise belongs to you and your children.

Why the True Jesus Church        
Explaining our church's name.

Why I Got Rid of Cable TV        
Is there anything wrong with watching television?

Why Can’t the Clock Stop Ticking?     By ACquila Anon        
Treasure time.

Why Are You Waiting, Looking Toward Heavens?        

Whose Money Is It?        
How do we keep a healthy attitude about money? Why is it important to include God in our financial decisions?

Whom God Loves Most        

Whom Do I Serve?        
Learning to serve God with the right attitude.

Who Can Enter the Kingdom of God?        
The way to the Heavenly Kingdom is not easy. Find out how we can enter this Kingdom through these four principles.

While the Earth Remains     By Philip Shee        
Why did God appoint the four seasons? How did He use them to declare His salvation plan throughout the Bible and to us today? Let us reflect on the spiritual significance of each season so that we may prepare ourselves to respond to what is to come.

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