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Devotionals, 317 total items found
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Hold Your Peace     By Lois Kuo        
In times of great pain, how do we actively hold our peace from day to day?

Mary's Song        
Why is it that when Mary received the news of her pregnancy from the angel Gabriel, her initial anxiety quickly turned to joyful submission? What can we learn about servitude from Mary's song of praise?

Overcoming the Past So We Can Serve God     By Lois Kuo        
Have you allowed past hurts to prevent you from taking the next step in your commitment or service to God?

The Gospel Shoes     By Sarah Lin        
Do we feel as comfortable sharing the gospel with others as wearing our most comfortable shoes?

Immediately Jesus Stretched Out His Hand        
Was it the wind and waves that caused Peter to sink? Or was it his doubt? Learn what we can do when our faith is not enough to overcome the seemingly impossible situations in our lives.

The Builder     By Lois Kuo        
It is easy for us to be impressed by man's creations and ingenuity. But is it as easy for us to see and admire the works of God?

Not Atoned Forever        
Eli's two sons are notoriously known to us as exceedingly wicked priests of the Lord who deserved to die. However, why did the Lord endure their sins for such a long period of time? What was behind His timing?

The One Who Stayed     By Lois Kuo        
Sometimes we feel weary in our walk with God. While we are laboring for the Lord, it seems as though the ungodly are enjoying life! Perhaps we wonder why we try so hard or doubt whether our efforts even make a difference.

To Behold God’s Beauty in His House     By Shuhong Lin        
We can either be part of the beauty to be found in God’s house or part of what is contrary.

Hidden in Christ     By SycamoreFruit        
How can we allow others to see Christ in us?

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