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Testimonies, 169 total items found
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The Lord Has Given Me Spiritual Eyes        
No amount of money and medical specialists could cure my blindness. Believe me, I have looked. But not being able to see was the least of my problems. Not being able to see God was much worse.

The Star That Brought Me to the True Jesus Church        
Her grandmother's love. Her mother's tears. Her father's severity. Would you believe in Jesus against these, as this sister did?

In His Hands        
That night, I prayed very deeply to God. I prayed and told God that He was the greatest physician. I told Him that if He could heal me I would entrust my life to Him, and commit myself to serve Him. Suddenly, I felt the vertebrae in my neck fuse.

The Mercy of God        
As we were sitting in total darkness, the plane began to drop suddenly—so suddenly that we could feel the seats pushing up against us from below, and we felt as if we were sinking into the seat cushions. At that moment, I knew that we were facing sure death.

Under God's Protection        
On September 24, 1995, Brother Chan plunged head first over the railing towards the driveway some 14 feet below. What would happen to him?

At the End of the Rainbow        
You will be amazed by how you can touch people’s lives simply by keeping a journal of your reflections and thoughts to God. Here are the words of a fourteen year old, and how his journals comforted his mom after his passing.

A Hug from God        

"For Everyone Who Asks, Receives"        
"A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench." Find out how the power of God brings a brother back to the true church.

True Peace of Mind        
"What if I encounter a fatal accident tomorrow? Will I be reincarnated? Is there heaven and hell?" An atheist finds the answer to her questions as she and her family experience the true presence of God.

The Lord Directed Me in Seeking the Truth        
A brother from East Indonesia shares his experience of how God directed him in seeking the true church.

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