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Devotionals, 317 total items found
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A Heart for God
By Joanne Lee
David was a man “after the heart of God.” His heart is truly tied to God’s heart, in that what makes God happy makes him happy. Do you feel for God? Can you say to Him, “If You are happy, I’m happy”?
Being Patient in Suffering
By Becky Yuan
When working in the Lord’s field, we inevitably encounter challenging situations. If the difficulty seems too great to bear, we begin to lose patience. How do you handle difficulties when working for the Lord?
Borne by Four
By Hain-Lee Hsueh
When we hear prayer requests, we are seeing fellow brethren in need along the road. How earnestly do we pray for them? How far out of our way are we willing to go to help them? We can either be part of the multitudes that pass them by, or be the few good Samaritans. Let us choose to have compassion.
Workers' Self-examination
By FF Chong
Often, the greatest obstacle to doing God’s work is the workers themselves. Workers focus so much on the work itself that they lose sight of the divine purpose. Our service should spring naturally from understanding God’s will, which is the foundation of our work.
Walking into Gethsemane
By Alethea Chan
In the Garden of Gethsemane, the Lord Jesus poured out His anxieties to God in prayer. Do we do the same when faced with all kinds of challenges and anxieties? Do we go into our Gethsemane to entrust everything to God in prayer?
To Stand Out Among Tares
By Rebecca Lee
We are to live among the tares until the harvest at the end of the age, as Jesus instructed, “[L]est while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest” (Mt 13:29, 30a). But, as we live among tares, have we become assimilated with them? Do we still shine forth as the wheat that await the harvester’s coming?
I Will No Longer Deliver You
By Albert S. Chen
Is our spiritual life like the history of the Israelites, stuck in a sin-repent-sin-repent cycle? While it is true that God is always ready to welcome back the prodigal son, there will come a point in time when God will tell us that He will no longer deliver us. Let us not foolishly continue to sin, thinking that God will forgive and forgive over and over again.
The Greatest Love
By Hoanne Chu
“For this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” (Luke 15:24). God does not rejoice in the fall of any of His children. In fact, he is always waiting for the return of the prodigal sons and daughters. When you think you have fallen, you must all the more repent and return to God.
Not a Leftover
By Liliana Chan
Most people do not enjoy eating leftovers. Leftovers are always low on our priority lists. Yet, unknowingly, many of us have relegated God to a position of being a leftover, turning to God only when all else fails, or when we are well-entertained by other things of the world.
An Unremarkable Gesture
By Hain-Lee Hsieh
When we think of testimonies, we think of big miracles. Actually, everyday is full of testimonies of the Lord’s mercy and love for us. We just have to be more attuned to the many seemingly unremarkable miracles God performs for us each and every day.
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