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Devotionals, 317 total items found
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From Bitterness to True Compassion     By Crystal Wang        
What are some ways Christ has shown us compassion in our lives despite our faults?

Settled in Complacency     By Colin Shek        
Sometimes complacency can creep into our faith and undo all our previous good works in the Lord. How can we tell whether we have become at ease in our faith? If we are complacent, what can we do about it?

Barefoot before God     By Cindy Ho        
Shoes form an integral part of our daily lives. Without our shoes, we really would not get very far from our front door! Yet, when Moses approached God, he was asked to take off his shoes. Let's find out what it means to take our shoes off before God.

Morning Is Here     By Christine Lin        
Every morning is a new beginning. Instead of letting the hustle and bustle of life claim our attention, let us remind ourselves that it is by God's mercy and grace we live to see another day with a new chance to become the better Christian we all strive to be.

I Do Not Want to Send Them Away Hungry     By Charmian Chong        
Do you sometimes find your journey of faith to be tedious and feel as though your needs are not satisfied? Read on to find out what Jesus has said to comfort us.

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus     By Candice Ang        
Are you focusing on the right thing?

Renew Our Love     By burninglamp        
Just as children are sometimes blind to the love of their parents, so we may also fail to see the love of God from time to time in our walk of faith. Under what circumstances might we question God's love for us?

That's So Embarrassing!     By burninglamp        
Whether in church or outside of church, Paul and other workers set the example because they did not want to send mixed messages or become a stumbling block to others. Do we uphold this same principle today?

Spiritual Blind Spots     By Brooke Cheng        
Are you feeling content with your state of spirituality? Are you thinking that all is well with your faith and walk with God? Maybe you need to re-consider and check out for any spiritual blind spots!

Wait on the Lord     By Brooke Cheng        
When we hit difficult times, it is when we need to learn to wait on the Lord. Waiting is difficult because we fear the unknown that's coming up. Here's a good lesson on waiting on the Lord.

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