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Devotionals, 317 total items found
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The Best Portion     By Amber Lo        

Walking into Gethsemane     By Alethea Chan        
In the Garden of Gethsemane, the Lord Jesus poured out His anxieties to God in prayer. Do we do the same when faced with all kinds of challenges and anxieties? Do we go into our Gethsemane to entrust everything to God in prayer?

Strength in Reliance     By Alethea Chan        
Who is truly stronger – the one who is able to fully rely on God, or the one who continues to rely on himself?

Salt Water     By Albert S. Chen        
Let us not be fooled by the salt water of this world—the sinful activities that satisfy but for a moment. Who can we turn to for real water which can truly satisfy us?

I Will No Longer Deliver You     By Albert S. Chen        
Is our spiritual life like the history of the Israelites, stuck in a sin-repent-sin-repent cycle? While it is true that God is always ready to welcome back the prodigal son, there will come a point in time when God will tell us that He will no longer deliver us. Let us not foolishly continue to sin, thinking that God will forgive and forgive over and over again.

Just One Look     By Albert Chen        
We may have strayed from the right path without noticing. But Jesus still loves us and will give us a wake-up call. How will we respond?

Overcoming Loneliness        

Green Eggs and Ham        
The writer of this devotional provides a new perspective to look at whatever we may be facing today that is unknown or uncomfortable.

Two Servants        
As servants, God shapes all of us in different ways. Are you able to see how God has uniquely shaped you to serve Him according to His good will?

Not Atoned Forever        
Eli's two sons are notoriously known to us as exceedingly wicked priests of the Lord who deserved to die. However, why did the Lord endure their sins for such a long period of time? What was behind His timing?

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