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They Ought To Be Remembered        
For three particular women in the Bible, God remembered them for their good and their evil. At the end of this life, what do you think God will remember of you?

The Lord's Prayer Revisited        
If we look hard enough, we can find the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary. The same holds true for the Lord's Prayer.

A Crisis in the Israelite Camp        
What made David so sure that he could win his battle with Goliath? What did he realize that the rest of the Israelites didn't?

Spiritual Discernment        
Love, faith and zeal are the paragons of Christian virtue. But you may be surprised how these qualities untempered with discernment can be detrimental.

God's Loving Deliverance        
Coming to terms with the death of a loved one and dealing with her own troubles, a sister finds peace, joy, and love through her steadfast faith in the Lord.

From Isaac and Jacob to Courtship Today: Dating vs. Matchmaking        
Dating vs. matchmaking: which is the right path to marriage? Or is there a better way?

Shedding Light on the Darkness of Cyberporn        
While the Internet offers a wealth of information resources, the virtual world can also be a dangerous place, luring people to porn and into addiction. It's important to recognize the dangers and know how to escape the trap.

Interfaith Relationships: Overcoming Common Misconceptions        
Considering a mate of another faith? Married to someone of a different conviction? Some guidelines for singles and the romantically involved

What good is the truth, if it's not being told? Allow this poem to show you the importance of evangelism.

Finding Your Other Half        
How do you know who is the "one"? How should you consider God's will when you're looking for your other half?

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