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What Do They Remind You Of?        

The Baby Room - A Mother's Reflections        

My Time Is Near        
Time, as abstract as it is, demands our examination. What is time and what are its signs? How is Jesus' view of time different from ours?

Fighting a Good Fight        
As two people get ready to be married, the last thing on their minds is how they will fight together. But since fights are things that cannot be avoided, the trick is to learn how to fight a good fight.

A Stranger in One's Homeland        
Sometimes Christians attend churches where the language, traditions, and even types of food are different from what they are accustomed to. How can the church become a home to all nationalities?

When a Gentle South Wind Blows        
A seasoned sailor learns that even a good wind can't always be trusted—and how the only sure thing is the word of God. A story from the book of Acts remains a lesson for us today.

The Spirit of Truth or the Spirit of Error?        
The apostle John warned us that the spirit of error, the very same spirit of the Antichrist, can be found right among us. What can we do to identify and protect ourselves from this destructive power?

Upon the Rock        
Have you ever asked yourself, "Why am I a Christian?" Let us go beyond the superficial and delve into the essence of our faith.

Misconceptions About Being a Christian        
Christians have been labelled many things. Discover the essence of Christianity that encompasses far more than these superficial labels may suggest.

Let Me Look to the Cross        
No one ever said being a Christian is easy. What to do when we feel weary or unmotivated to serve God? Allow this poem to remind us the goodness of the Lord.

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