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My First Year's Journey        
What is the initial experience of marriage like? Is it happily ever after from the moment you say, "I do"?

The Yoke and the Youth        
Although the rewards of the world seem more glamorous, many who have chosen this path have tasted its bitter fruit. At the prime of their lives, it is good for youths to put on the yoke of God, both for their own sake and also for the church’s.

A Crisis in the Israelite Camp        
What made David so sure that he could win his battle with Goliath? What did he realize that the rest of the Israelites didn't?

Lost Sheep        
The journey to Christian maturity is often fraught with distractions and peer pressure. Here are some tips to help you overcome.

Making Choices        
Some Christians may harbor the misconception that God's will is manifested in supernatural ways such as visions, dreams, or various signs. But there are other ways to understand His will.

He Sees from on High        
We see things through the lens of our experiences and values. What and how would we see if we were God?

They Ought To Be Remembered        
For three particular women in the Bible, God remembered them for their good and their evil. At the end of this life, what do you think God will remember of you?

God Made All Things Well        
You may be surprised by what you find if you look deeper into a droplet of water or an oxygen atom—nature has a message for you!

Motivation for Serving Christ        
How does a sense of sin and gratitude relate to Christian service? Find out why and how motivation sustains our service.

Come unto Me... I Will Give You Rest        
We are often entangled in a complex web of relationships and pressured with many expectations. But Jesus shows us a better way by calling us into His rest.

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