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Choosing a Friend        
We may have many friends, but what makes a true friend who will "stick closer than a brother"?

Comfortable Christians        
Complacency is a pervasive trait. There is much more to Christian life than settling in a routine of prayer and Bible reading.

Whose Money Is It?        
How do we keep a healthy attitude about money? Why is it important to include God in our financial decisions?

Moses Strikes the Rock Twice        
How could the act of striking a rock invoke such dire consequences for God's faithful servant? Read how God's punishment was a lesson against idolatry for His people then, and today.

God is Everywhere... Close to Me        
Songs of assurance written by a sister who is deaf

Joseph's Tears        
Forgiveness is a life-long and healing lesson. Have you ever really thought about why Joseph wept? What does forgiveness mean to you?

Be Still        
As the first ray of dawn pierces through the quiet darkness, the earth reveals the splendor of God's creation. So it is when the transforming power of God enters through the stillness of our spirit.

Just One Talent?        
If Jesus decides to call us away tomorrow, what will we have to show for our time on earth, for His care and guidance and grace? Are we ready to face Him come Judgment Day?

Growing into the Full Stature of Christ        
As Jesus grew, he increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. How about us?

Letters from Mom: Becoming Messengers of the Perfect Gospel        
Who among us will bring them the message of the perfect gospel? Who will reach out to explain the way of God “more accurately”?

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