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Making Life's Choices        
"My dear, if you do not know where you are going, then it does not matter which way you choose." What do you do when you are at the crossroads of your life? Do you recognize the path that leads you to the ultimate goal you have been pursuing since you came to believe in Christ?

The Growth of the Church        
We are given only one chance to journey through this life of faith. Are we doing all we can to further the ministry?

Mom & Dad, What Shall I Be?        
There is more to a child's life than getting good grades. A parent shows you how to bring your children up in the Lord.

Six Habits of Really Effective Christians (Part 3)        
In today's world, it seems success comes from being aggressive, from crushing your competition inside and outside your company, and from making sure that your name is included in as many meetings and e-mails as possible. Is that the true secret?

A Woman's Priorities: Lessons Learned from the Proverbs 31 Woman        
The woman in Proverbs 31 probably seems archaic today. But we need to take a closer look at her character and nature. So the question is: What can the modern woman learn from this Biblical character?

Six Habits of Really Effective Christians (Part 4)        
We need God's power, guidance, and strength throughout our lives—not just for the 13,000 hours of our adult lives that we'll spend in church but also for the 100,000 hours we'll spend at work. Find out how prayer can help you be effective at work, and rea

The Unveiling        
A poem about longing to see the face of Him who gives us so much grace day by day.

An Interview With Pastors' Wives        
It is a rare opportunity that we get to conduct an international interview with pastors’ wives. As they sit down to share with us the unique roles they play as Christian women, we also learn about the wonderful grace God has showered upon them.

Room to Grow        
Giving our children room to grow also means we must learn to trust their faith in the Creator. Read what a parent has learned from the episodes with her daughters.

Eat Right and Exercise for Spiritual Fitness        
Find out the perfect diet for your young ones while growing up in the Lord!

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