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The Spiritual Watchman        
“Israel’s watchmen are blind, they all lack knowledge; they are all mute dogs, they cannot bark; they lie around and dream, they love to sleep.” (Isaiah 56:10) How much better do we fare as spiritual watchmen?

Letters from Mom: Encouragement to Accept God's Will        
As her child leaves for the "next phase" of her life's journey, a mother implants the words of a beloved hymn. How do you learn to say, in any circumstance, "My Lord, Thy will be done"?

Interfaith Relationships: Overcoming Common Misconceptions        
Considering a mate of another faith? Married to someone of a different conviction? Some guidelines for singles and the romantically involved

Who Can Enter the Kingdom of God?        
The way to the Heavenly Kingdom is not easy. Find out how we can enter this Kingdom through these four principles.

The Lord's Pruning        
Why would you cut what you want to grow, or strip what you want to flourish? Find out what spiritual pruning is all about.

Letters from Mom: Standing on the Threshold of Adulthood        
"Remembering and not forgetting, leaving but never letting go." Thoughts from a mother to a child nearly grown.

"I Will Go One More Time"        
She thought she was just meeting a new friend, but she didn’t realize that God had a better plan in store for her…

"Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven"        
Our tendency to use "God's will" as a convenience often trivializes its seriousness. A careful reading of the Bible should give us more insight into what "God's will" really means.

Committing Yourself to Christ        
How should you choose which college to attend? How can you maintain your commitment in Christ throughout college?

My College Experience        
The college experience is a time to know God, to establish our faith, and to recognize that He is the greatest screenwriter of our lives.

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