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 (Manna 47: The Body of Christ)
True Jesus Church

True Jesus Church

Kumalawaty SundariJakarta, Indonesia


            The ark of the end times

            Rebuilt upon the foundation of truth,

            Unveils the way of salvation —

            Equips herself with the power of the Holy Spirit.

            Joyfully she praises Jesus her Christ,

            Establishing a sacred matrimony,

            Solemnly promising to bind herself, His bride —

            Undefiled; coming before His holy throne,

            Sanctified and blameless, a radiant church.

            Covenant-entrusted, she accepts her part —

            Hallowing and fulfilling His mission,

            Unabashedly preaching the gospel in His authority,

            Reaching out to souls the world over.

            Confidently longing for her consummation;

            Her moment to ascend and unite with her Bridegroom.

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Publisher: True Jesus Church