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True Jesus Church

True Jesus Church

The church, being the "pillar and foundation of the truth," must uphold and proclaim the good news of God's Kingdom in complete accordance with the Scriptures. Today, the True Jesus Church has faithfully proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide and brought many to the Lord. We invite you to study the truth with us in this church and walk with us on the path of salvation.


God’s House

It was God's will, according to his plan of salvation, that all who receive the redemption of Jesus Christ become members of God's household. The Bible calls this household of God the "church" (1Timothy ), made up of God's people throughout history. It is a spiritual community to which every believer of Jesus Christ belongs.

The Apostolic Church

Just as he had predestined, God established the apostolic church on earth through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus and the pouring out of the promised Holy Spirit. The church proclaimed the gospel of salvation and was united in fellowship. By the power of the Holy Spirit, the apostolic church spread from Jerusalem to Asia and Europe. The Lord manifested his mighty works through the church, and continued to add to their number those who were being saved.

But soon after the days of the apostles, heresy and political power replaced the gospel that was once entrusted to the saints.

True Jesus Church

In 1917, God revived his church by building up the True Jesus Church in Beijing, China. The early workers, having received the Holy Spirit and revelation of the true gospel, began preaching the truth of salvation from the heart of China. The Holy Spirit worked mightily; signs and miracles confirmed the truth that the church preached.

Within a few decades, the gospel advanced swiftly and covered almost every province of China. The church then expanded to other parts of Asia. Until today, the true gospel has also reached countries in America, Africa, Europe, and Australia.

One Church, One Gospel

"There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord, one faith, one baptism" (Ephesians 4:4,5). The church is the body of Christ. There is only one true church because Christ has only one body, and this church preaches the only gospel of salvation.

In this end time, the Lord himself has raised up the True Jesus Church to preach the only way of salvation. She was founded by the one Spirit that founded the apostolic church; she shares the one faith that the apostles once preached; and she administers the one baptism that the apostles administered. This is the true church, the body of Christ. So we must come into this church by accepting the true gospel and be baptized into the one body of Christ.


The Lord Jesus commissioned his disciples two major tasks: to proclaim the gospel to every nation (Mark -16) and to attend to the spiritual needs of all believers in the church (John -17).

Relying on God's purpose and might, the True Jesus Church aims to accomplish this two-pronged commission. Through constant prayer, we trust that the Holy Spirit will enable us to carry the gospel of salvation to all the corners of the world, so that people of all races will come to accept the Lord Jesus Christ. In preparing for the Lord's second coming, the church also strives to strengthen the faith and uplift the spiritual qualities of her members through continual devotion to prayer, mutual encouragement, and studying the Scriptures. Ultimately, the church as a whole may present herself holy and pure to the Lord.

Why "True" Jesus Church?

·         The God we worship is the true God; thus his church is the true church.

·         The Lord Jesus called himself the True Vine; The church, which is his body, is therefore called the true church.

·         The true church preaches the true and complete gospel, which is confirmed by the Holy Spirit, signs, and miracles.


Denomination: independent

Year Established: 1917

Founder: the Lord Jesus Christ

Membership: 1.5 million in 39 countries

Essential Doctrines: Jesus the One True God, Bible the Word of God, Salvation by Grace through Faith. Baptism and the Promised Holy Spirit, Footwashing, Holy Communion, Sabbath (Saturday), Church the Body of Christ, Second Coming of Christ.

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Publisher: True Jesus Church