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Items related to "The Lord Jesus is the author of salvation, not the church, so if I don't go to church, as long as I believe in the Lord Jesus and follow the correct path to salvation, won't I be saved?", 167 total items found

If God Is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?     By Stephane Pelard        

The Path to a Happy Christian Marriage        
What are the ingredients of maintaining a happy Christian marriage? How do we resolve our differences, and how do we communicate with one another?

Go and Make Disciples of All Nations        
The stages in the spread of the gospel in the apostolic church are a model for evangelism in the church today.

If the Clothing Fits, Wear It        
I put on righteousness as my clothing. —Job 29:14

If a Brother or Sister Is...        
And one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? —James 2:16

How long has God existed?        

How do I know the Bible has not been changed over the years?        

The apostle Paul stresses that Abraham was justified before circumcision, not after (Romans 4:10-12). Circumcision was only a sign of the righteousness he had already received by faith. Aren't sacraments likewise only signs, with no effect?        

Since there is no scientific evidence for heaven, how do we know it's real, and not just wishful thinking and human invention?        

Don't Christians worship on Sunday to honor the first day of the week, the day Christ resurrected?        

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