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Devotionals, 317 total items found
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The Love behind a Single Strand of Hair     By Zion Delight        
One strand of hair reveals God’s immense, immeasurable love for us. “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” God does not only count our hair, He also protects them: “But not a hair of your head shall be lost.”

Hidden Sins within the Heart     By Yvonne Wong        
Sin can be deceitful in that what others cannot see, we may know ourselves. However, the real danger is when we are oblivious to even our own sins. After all, how can we see something that is hidden?

Ups and Downs... Angels and Bread     By Yvonne Bong        
Have we had thoughts that we’re the only ones truly zealous for God? Do we feel lonely in our service to Him? Elijah had a similar experience. Let’s revisit this age-old story and re-examine our attitudes in service.

The Power of Simple Words     By Winifred Chao        
Does preaching feel intimidating to you? It can be easy and simple if God is with us.

We Reap What We Sow     By Wendy Leacock        
There's no doubt about it. Every action brings about consequences. Some may be immediate, some come later. And, God sees it all. We need to have reverence for God in all that we do.

Fan Into Flames     By Victoria Chen        
Through His Spirit, God will help us to fan our gifts into flame.

Removing the Thorns that Thwart Our Growth     By Tzu-Ann Chen        
What can we do to get rid of the thorns that choke our faith?

Small Things Matter     By Tzu-Ann Chen        
Deep inside, we probably know that God is unhappy with our actions, but we tell ourselves that God surely won’t be that strict as long as we don’t commit a great sin. But is that really the case?

Hidden in Christ     By SycamoreFruit        
How can we allow others to see Christ in us?

Seek Your Servant     By Stephen Ku        
The Lord is My Shepherd. This we know. In times when our knowledge of His word and our own strivings are not enough to keep us close to Him, let us not forget to call out to Him. Let us call upon the Lord to seek us out, on the basis that we have not forgotten His commandments and want to return to Him.

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