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Devotionals, 317 total items found
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The One Who Stayed     By Lois Kuo        
Sometimes we feel weary in our walk with God. While we are laboring for the Lord, it seems as though the ungodly are enjoying life! Perhaps we wonder why we try so hard or doubt whether our efforts even make a difference.

Cultivation Is Worth Dying For     By Ling Chen        
How important is spiritual cultivation in our daily lives?

Filial Blessing     By Liliana Chan        
There are not many commandments in the Bible that carries a promised reward from God. Honoring our parents is one of them. May today’s devotional give us a timely reminder of the need to love our parents, the ones who have loved us first.

Not a Leftover     By Liliana Chan        
Most people do not enjoy eating leftovers. Leftovers are always low on our priority lists. Yet, unknowingly, many of us have relegated God to a position of being a leftover, turning to God only when all else fails, or when we are well-entertained by other things of the world.

In God's Quiver     By Liliana Chan        
As we serve God, how can we learn from being an arrow in God's quiver?

Homeless     By Liliana Chan        
God’s grace is offered without discrimination or favoritism. But if His love is free for all, then why do some receive His blessings while others do not?

Part of It Is In You     By Kelly Wu        
Have you ever felt that the grass and the flowers look even more beautiful after a storm?

Peniel: Good Wine     By KC Tsai        

Mopping My Heart's Stains     By Joyce Shih        
What's the state of your heart? Is is truly whiter than snow?

Given Some Time     By Joannie Yeh        
Do we have aspirations to do great things for God but feel too small or too incapable to achieve them?

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