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Lord, This One Soul I Won for You        

My Battles With Cancer        
Have you or a loved one ever faced the difficult trials of cancer? Here is a story of a woman who went through it twice, but through it all, she is able to say, “I am closer to God.”

Understanding God's will        
The key to understanding His will lies in pursuing spiritual renewal in Jesus Christ. The more we become like Jesus, the deeper we can comprehend the heart of God, for the mystery of God is Christ Jesus.

And Jesus Called a Little Child to Him        
If we are to God what clay is to the potter, how would you like your life shaped?

Let the Peace of Christ Rule in Your Heart        
So long as we're in this world, we will experience tribulation. But through faith, you can receive and maintain the peace of Christ in your heart.

The Path to a Happy Christian Marriage        
What are the ingredients of maintaining a happy Christian marriage? How do we resolve our differences, and how do we communicate with one another?

Finding Your Other Half        
How do you know who is the "one"? How should you consider God's will when you're looking for your other half?

With great faith, this woman finally bore a son, only to give him up for God's service. Find out how the greatness of heart manifests through her thoughts and deeds.

What good is the truth, if it's not being told? Allow this poem to show you the importance of evangelism.

The Lord's Prayer Revisited        
If we look hard enough, we can find the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary. The same holds true for the Lord's Prayer.

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