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Devotionals, 317 total items found
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Search, Examine and Turn        
Returning back to God is not something that comes by automatically when we think about it or hope for it. It requires concrete actions on our part.

Never to Return to Our Sins        
"As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly." (Prov. 26:11) Do we find ourselves perpetuating the same weaknesses over and over? It's time to check ourselves and make real changes in lives!

Remembered as Blessing        
How we live our lives now can have impressions on people even after we have passed on. As a child of God, how do we want to lead our lives so we can be remembered as a blessing?

Be the Doers of the Words        
God does not justify a Christian who merely uses his faculty of hearing. Instead God expects him to build up his faith by practice.

Death - A Christian's Viewpoint        
Death promises better things to a Christian. It is the door to a brand new world devoid of sufferings.

Gentle Replies        

"What Does the Lord Require of You?"        
Is God no longer leading us the way He led the people in the Old Testament times?

Ruminations on Immanuel        
Even though my test anxiety was nothing like the monumental task that Solomon was given, the same words of encouragement given to him sustained me.

Strength and Courage        
Naturally, when we are first appointed to do some work for God, we might feel afraid that we may not be capable of taking up the task.

The Backseat        
Sometimes when people tell us to "trust God," we have no tangible idea of what that means.

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